1969 Sprint 2011 LX50
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1969 Sprint 2011 LX50
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After Changing fuel line out near Fuel Tap. Fuel Tap popped out and emptied the tank. Added gas. Now my gauge doesn't work Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,
@jimc avatar

The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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@jimc avatar
The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Did you fill right up or just add a quart from a can? The Vespa gauges tend to read empty (against the pin) until there's quite a bit in there. The float may have got slightly stuck at the bottom of its travel - I'd suggest filling right up and taking a good bumpy road for a bit.

1969 Sprint 2011 LX50
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1969 Sprint 2011 LX50
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Thanks Jimc Yea, before I read your thread, I put more gas in, and it works. I must of only had an 8th of a tank before. Who would of thought More gas in the tank makes the gauge work?
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Molto Verboso
S 150, VNB 150, 101 Allstate, 01 ET2
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Molto Verboso
@orange_s150 avatar
S 150, VNB 150, 101 Allstate, 01 ET2
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Mine does this too. And when in was new I had it replaced under warranty. I did it again about 2 months later. But it will read empty and go back to working back and forth. I just ignore it now and it will start working again in a few rides.
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