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I have a 2002 ET2 which was kitted a few weeks ago with a cast iron molossi 70cc kit, stock exhaust (I like the looks). Everything else is stock also, and has 3200 miles on the scoot.
I'm not happy with the stock carb, hard starts, and I don't trust the auto choke.
So I would like to get a new performance carb. I'm not looking for top speeds, just a good performer thats starts and is reliable.
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05' ET4 190, 74' super 190, 85' T5 190, 3 x Smallies, 05' race zuma
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hey dave...

you have a few options...

17.5mm delorto thats the stock carb on the euro ET2's works well, has an auto choke... just like what you have just slightly larger...

19mm delorto kit made by malossi... this is probably your best bet.. has manual choke and is easily tunnable...

19mm arreche... pretty much the same as the delorto, but has an auto choke. and is slightly less expensive...

stay away from the 21mm carb kits... they don't tune well and with your stock pipe, it probably to much carb for the bike...

there are your options... i would chose one and get it on there quick... the life of your new 70cc topend sorta depends on it... air cooled 70cc kits need more than a 12mm carb to keep them from over heating...

good luck...
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2007 GTS 250
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Thanks Face,
So what your view on the auto chokes.
And sounds like the 19mm delorto kit is the deal, is there any other retrofitting needed, also what size jet would be good?
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The 19mm carb will provide a great performance boost, but I really only recommend it with a performance exhaust. With a stock exhaust, you will lose more gas mileage than you make in power. That's one thing to think about with a larger performance carb, is that you greatly decrease gas mileage. I would do the tuning in this order:
70cc kit.
Over-range kit for top speed.

Don't forget to change roller weights and mainjets to suit your scoot.
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I'm thinking about ordering the 17.5mm carb and keep it safe. Should I order a couple extra sized jets for the carb, what sizes for the 70cc kit work best?
@dave avatar

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I'm posting so it will be back up, I'm ready to order a carb before my riding season is over.
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dave wrote:
I'm thinking about ordering the 17.5mm carb and keep it safe. Should I order a couple extra sized jets for the carb, what sizes for the 70cc kit work best?
The stock carb is 12.5. I haven't jetted a 17.5 before. I'm at home at the moment, but we have jetting charts at work I can look at to get you close on a 19mm carb. I would recommend using what comes with the kit, and then seeing how far off it is.
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Thanks Max, I would love to order it from you, but I have a gift certificate to Scooterworks for $25.
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