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Other than the USA, who requires MPH (rather than KPH) on scooter/motorcycle gauges? Occasionally, I will see concept or pre-production scoots/MCs and the gauges will have secondary MPH markings (my S-500IE has primary KPH and secondary MPH markings) leading me to suspect they are models that will be imported to the USA.

Other than a few island dependancies and protectorates does any major market other than the USA require MPH on gauges?
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Honeymooning in Ireland 10 years ago, I was quite surprised to see they were using MPH on the signs and the cars.
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The British do don't they?
@wonder_machine avatar

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Ah, we don't get mph only clock, but have both, with mph and kph.

Ireland converted to kph a few years ago, which is confusing if you are driving across from the North!
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Canada requires MPH in small print underneath the Km/hr.
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