Just out of curiosity, if you're removing all the US spec items, why limit yourself to a US market color?
Rally 200 colors (Italian, German, Swiss, North American and Scandanvian markets):
Chiaro di luna met. (Metallic Moonlight) 108
Grigio polaris (Polaris Grey) 200
Blu Jeans (Jeans Blue) 228
Blu Marina (Marina Blue) 275
Verde amazzone (Amazon Green) 340
Azzurro cina (China Blue) 402
Cedro verde (Cedar Green) 580
Biancospino (White) 715 (silver 'race' stripes)
Rosso corsa (Racing Red) 806
Amaranto (Amaranth) 835
Rosso (Red) 870
Rosso scuro (Dark 'Katmandu' Red) 875
Rosso corallo (Coral Red) 880
Rosso (Red) 895
Arancio (Orange) 907
Giallo Karakiri (Karakiri Yellow) 908
Giallo (Yellow) 912
Giallo arancio (Orange Yellow) 916
Arancio (Orange) 919
Rosso canyon (Canyon Red) 921
Giallo Cromo (Chrome Yellow) 933
Giallo Texas (Texas Yellow) 935
Hubs, rims, fork, stand etc..
Alluminio met (Metallic Aluminium) 983