well i find this topic to be amusing.
i will however, not post any more comments concerning british cuisine.
i would like to mention though, if ever i have to cross the atlantic on a ship...my choice would be either the royal navy, or the us navy. no other. this means, i will probably never ever cross the atlantic on a ship.
fish and chips...not cuisine in my opinion. i love a good hamburger, just i would not seek one outside the usa.
dutch cuisine just sucks. no further comment. all of europe agree to this.
a tourist, who does go to discreet places in big cities, to go where locals go to eat, should really not offer any opinion at all..these folks just do not know the lay of the land.
boiled potatoes in germany, in a restaurant or local place is almost unknown nowdays. very rare..
obviously, these members are reporting the cuisine of rather family owned, small hotels. boiled potatoes, in a restaurant....at best on a friday with fish.