"We're going for a ride and thought we'd invite others. It's a
repeat from last year, and the weather looks good.

-- Meet Up: Quaker Steak & Lube, 5935 Canal Rd, Valley View (just
north of Rockside Road)
-- When: 12:00 noon, Sunday, 9/16, gassed & ready to go
-- Where: Head south on Canal & Riverview to Szalay's Farm & Market
(at Bolanz Rd) for fresh lemonade, roasted sweet corn, and a giant
swing! (Lots of great treats, but it's not really a lunch spot.)
Return via a route TBD. Easy 2-lane roads with brief spurts of 50
-- Return: 2:30-3:00ish, eat a late lunch at Quaker Steak or
Hoggies & catch the end of the game

To accommodate farther suburbanites, we're happy to craft a route to
make a meet up easier. Let us know via email.

No RSVP needed, and no need for "that's awesome," "sorry but I'm
busy" and "but the Browns are playing" posts. We already know we're
awesome, no one cares if you're busy, and the Browns stink.

Hope to see you Sunday!"

Mike and Ilona from the POC Yahoo Group