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Hey all,

Before riding I decided to change the oil in my 68 VLB. I noticed I got very little out. So weird because since then I don't see that it is leaking. Regardless I noticed the clutch is really hard to engage. Will it just work itself out as it is exposed to the new oil or do I need to soak it?

Thanks for the help!
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If the bike hasn't been ridden for a few months, let it engine warm up before draining the gear oil. Oil needs to sling around the clutch to lube it up.

How old is the clutch? When's the last time you changed the oil and what did you use? What did the oil that came out look like?

Worn corks and plates can cause sludge to build up in the case. If you've got sludge, pour some kerosene or Seafoam in there and let it sit for a few hours to dissolve any crud. Drain it out, repeat, run a good detergent (yes, detergent) oil for a hundred miles, then go back to good ol ND 30w.
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The oil that came out didn't look worse as it does any other oil change. I change the oil about once a month or two months. It was just weird because from what i saw only about 2 ounces came out. I ran clean oil through to wash it out, then over filled the gearbox a bit.

The clutch was rebuilt about 3 years ago. about time again?
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@fatamy avatar

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You first need to to deternime if you have a cable problem or a clutch arm or clutch issue. Disconnect the cable from the clutch arm down by the muffler, Then see how smooth the hand lever and cable move in the outer housing by pulling the lever back to the grip, if no problem is found move back to the clutch arm by the muffler, you can put a pair of locking pliers on it and see how it moves. If its tight remove the clutch cover and recheck the movement of the arm, if the arm moves freely, pull the clutch and inspect everything.
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