2013 bv 350
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2013 bv 350
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Hey guys. I'm Joe I'm new here and new to the piaggio scene. Used to the Yamaha Zumas. So I have a question and I tried doing some research but could not get an exact answer. On my cluster we have the modes. There's one mode that I'm pretty sure is a ambient temperature. If that is correct what is that temp usually suppose to be or is it suppose to change. Mine stays at 57 usually all the time. Any help and info is much appreciated
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BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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@jkj-fz6 avatar
BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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Posts: 4387
Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota
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Ambient temperature is just that, the air temperature outside. It should be close to your local weather report.

If it were 57 F here I would be out riding! Crying or Very sad emoticon
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