Well, I've learned a lot about welding!
So, I'm on a fixed budget (and I'm a cheap bastard to boot, wait, I mean frugal and resourceful). I bought a HF 125Amp 110v flux core welder.
I hear the moans and groans. And I'm moaning and groaning with you. All the talk on the welders has made me wish I would've just brought the part to Jack Smoot, the local welder in town. But it's hard for me to leave the house for more than a 1/2 hour at a crack. Why, you may ask? Well, I'm living a pretty trippy reality right now. Let's leave it at that...
So back to welding. I layed down a couple of practice beads and welded some bed rail together for a half hour or so and damn, not bad. At this point in time I should have practiced more, but I didn't.
I grabbed the bracket and went for it. I only had to cut it off and try again once. Dooohhh. I realize it's a super crappy weld, but it'll do and I put it through a highly technical stress test in the vice to ensure it was strong enough to hold up the scooter and a person bouncing on it.
I was really hoping I could just ignore the whole thing and not post a picture but y'all are relentless! Every friggen post was about welding! Arrrrgggghhhh! Ha! Nahh, it's all good information and I learned a lot. And I may take you up on your offer at some point Scott about buying one of your many welders.
OK, without further adeu, here are a few pics. Again, I know the weld sucks!