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Something tells me - at this point... she's not really surprised...
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Congrats! Awesome videos!
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So I rode around the neighborhood today (with a helmet!) and the old machine did admirably. The shift cables need adjusting. They are way too loose, and there are no lights whatsoever. The horn works when the switch is turned on for the lights, and the kill button works.

I took a look at the switch and the plastic housing was broken in half. I cleaned up the contact points and superglued it together. Still no lights.

Just for grins I pulled the flywheel to check out the points and condenser. It looks like somebody has been in there and replaced them They look good! I'll use the original manual to figure out how to set them.

Time to get out the meter and check continuity of all the wires and then the bulbs. I understand it all has to be good to work.

And I've got new cables and rubber on the way. And a knockoff speedo. The tires are....old.... Razz emoticon
Broken switch. Superglue to the rescue!
Broken switch. Superglue to the rescue!
The previous owner bought the scooter in 1999. This tire is on the back. Still great tread.
The previous owner bought the scooter in 1999. This tire is on the back. Still great tread.
This tire is on the front and still has great tread. Yikes! 41 years old!
This tire is on the front and still has great tread. Yikes! 41 years old!
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So I go to remove the rear tire off the rim and it basically falls off. Hmmm, I wonder why....

Looks like a new rim is in order. Worse than Jims!
Yikes - see through...
Yikes - see through...
And I wonder why the rubber fell off this rim...
And I wonder why the rubber fell off this rim...
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Oh damn! Good thing you didnt really drive it much. Check out tubeless rims! They really do make ride more comfortable.
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Wow, impressive. Definitely time for new rims. They are not expensive, so totally worth it.
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Hey qua! Just read this whole thread start to finish on my afternoon sun break. A very enjoyable read. The highlight being the First Start and First Test Drive videos. I recognize that gleeful vespa smile. But I'm with your wife on the driving while filming

It's all good. Keep up the excellent work! What's the name of your new treasure? Cause "Blue" is taken. JK
@v_oodoo avatar

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May I nominate Baby Blue to go with Mama Ruby and temporary resident 'Uncle' Whitey, Mama's good friend?

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Well, you may certainly nominate that name. Just know that I sing "Baby Blue" when I open the garage door and stroke my sweetie's cowl. We can share it though. And if you don't know the song, take a listen.

Just don't dog on country music or George Strait. Both are dear to my heart.
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Mama Ruby and Uncle Whitey. Cracking me up ... I love it..

Well, I've been calling her Blue 62 cause, lets face it, she's got a fine bootie so it's definitely a "she" with all those sexy curves.

My wife votes for B-62. Not too feminine but I immediately thought of the B-52's and the song Roam...

Not dissin ole George Strait...... Razz emoticon Thanks for the offer to share the name Kimono. I tried on Blue and kept thinking of your Blue and couldn't do it - it just didn't feel right.


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Hey, I'm loving B-62! The B can stand for so many things: blue, beautiful, badonkadonk....
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Swiss, dude, where did you get from sexy ass scooters that are blue to "Blue, you're my boy!". Holy crap, too funny... You have an interesting mind my friend! Haha.
Kimono32 wrote:
Hey, I'm loving B-62! The B can stand for so many things: blue, beautiful, badonkadonk....
Ha - Funny you should say that, cause I was thinking BowChickkaBowBow..... Razz emoticon
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I've been soaking the front rim in vinegar (of course) to knock off the rust, then cleaned it up with soap and water, and a wire wheel. Then I wiped them down with vinegar and primed them grey in preparation for painting them the same color as the body.

I'm going to pick up the paint tomorrow. I'm hoping the color is going to work.

Speaking of paint, I'm going to get a paint gun. Any recommendations? I've been looking at the HVLP gravity fed guns. The smaller nozzles, .8 to 2.0. I won't be painting the house with it, and it'll only be smaller jobs like a scooter, or rims.

I had to smile when I thought of asking the question after the welding info. Then I figured, hey, maybe I'll change the title of the thread to Welding and Painting 101! Ha! But seriously, any info would be good. I should've asked a few days ago cause I'm ready to buy something now.

Oh, and I got a box of parts! So I soaked the new glovebox cowl rubber in 303 protectant overnight and installed the glovebox. Now the back end is looking almost worthy of BowChickaBowBow....

I still need to try the license plate mount reversal to show off a little more of that sweet rounded back end...
I painted the engine shroud and the carb box cover.
I painted the engine shroud and the carb box cover.
The front hub
The front hub
The front brakes. I need to clean it up in there.
The front brakes. I need to clean it up in there.
The brake hub
The brake hub
Scrubbing the rim with soap and water and a fingernail brush after the three day soak in vinegar
Scrubbing the rim with soap and water and a fingernail brush after the three day soak in vinegar
Wire wheeling the rims to get them spotless, which is a breeze after the vinegar treatment.
Wire wheeling the rims to get them spotless, which is a breeze after the vinegar treatment.
Ready for paint. And I spaced taking an after primer picture!
Ready for paint. And I spaced taking an after primer picture!
The inside of the glovebox cowl is held on by six bolts coming out of the body. I put a bit of rubber innertube where the cowl mounting bracket scrapes against the frame.
The inside of the glovebox cowl is held on by six bolts coming out of the body. I put a bit of rubber innertube where the cowl mounting bracket scrapes against the frame.
Looking pretty sexy, even with the tail light rubber askew...
Looking pretty sexy, even with the tail light rubber askew...
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i was thinking
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Nice job that sure is cleaning up nice and the period correct license plate looks right

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Here's a pic to help keep you motivated to search for a better looking plate...
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Oh darn that one looks even cooler
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Oh my,

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You did a great job installing the cowl, looks killer w/ fresh rubber of the right color. Whole bike is lookin' good.

But what about the rust inside that cowl? What's it treated with?

My cowls were rustier than yours inside. I kept the old paint on the frame, but Ospho & self etching primer where cowl was rusty. Adding a color matching top coat or clearcoat wouldn't hurt.

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Same used in here where you can see the Ospho turned the rust black.

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This is down & dirty but works well, POR15 if you must have 1st class.

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I use this(any angle feature is nice) or the Duplicolor equivalent, but there are 'pro' brands you can get too.
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[quote="Kimono32"]Hey, I'm loving B-62! The B can stand for so many things: blue, beautiful, badonkadonk.... [/

I really like B-62 for a name but here are a couple of other thoughts:
Turn Blue
Hulla Blue
Gabriel Blue (Blew)
Turquoise Blue (Turk for short)
Little Boy Blue
Or if you wanted to add a touch of class, you could attach a copy of this to the leg shield and call it Blue Boy.
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This is looking great. I quite like the yellow oregon vintage plate. Its like the old ny plates and current retro ny plates I have. You got me looking at vintage NY motorcycle plates for my p200 project now!

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62 Allstate
Hey Scott this May come a bit late, but if you not bought a spray gun yet....you may want to buy a touch up gun. They are a lot smaller and you mix up smaller portions. I have a bunch of spray guns and I almost always go back to using my touch up guns on scooter parts. The parts are smaller....as you know.
You must also have a good regulator and a water trap. Any moisture in the system will ruin a paint job. My guess is you have a decent size compressor. You will need to have a constant flow of about 40psi of air.
I'll show you what I use...works well for what I do. If I spray bigger parts than I have to use a paint booth. Let me know if you have any questions...scott

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62 Allstate
Paint equipment that I use here at home. Being you live in a high humidity area...the better the water trap you'll need. I cant stress enough....no water.
I payed a lot of money for the HVLP gun. I don't remember how much the touch up gun cost, but I think you can buy one for 50.00. The touch up gun I got from NAPA. It has worked great. They will last for ever if you clean them properly. Scott
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Love the vintage plates.
Totally inspired to order some up some for my scoot.
Nice touch.

Will be watching on the home spray job.
Have never messed with paint really.
Interested to see how you get on with the touch up.
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I used a simple $9.99 HF touch-up spray gun with a HF $99 compressor to do this:
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I expect to use the same set-up to do my P125x/P200.
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Thanks for the name input! I'm liking B-62. And I can look at her and go Yeah Baby, BowChickkaBowbow.... Oh man, I feel so 16 sometimes...

And thanks Hibbert, Swiss, and CM. But the plate is the latest plate they give out at the DMV. I bid on a 1962 plate on EBay, but lost the bid. I'm keeping my eye out though. There are some cool ones.

And thanks for showing yours WhoDat - I'll be searching weekly for one on EBay. They've got a ton of them out there, just no 62's.

And Scott, THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge about paint paraphernalia. I ended up getting a smaller gun, thinking down those same lines. I tried to do better than the welder on gathering the proper info before making a decision this time. Razz emoticon

EDIT: Thanks Jim for the pics of your setup! You've given me some ideas. I ended up buying a gun off Amazon. I'll post a pic after I use it.

Which leads me into, thank you Voodoo for mentioning the inside of the cowl glovebox. I took it off and it'll be where I practice with the paint sprayer. I'm going to Ospho it tomorrow, then prime, then paint the inside of the cowl. Thanks for the nudge!

I picked up the paint from Ron's Paint today. He did a fantastic job of matching. We'll see when I get more area covered, but he painted a corner of the rack on the edge and it's dang nice. I've got a pic down below.

So the next few days I'm going to paint the inside of the glovebox cowl, the rims and hubs, and get the brake areas cleaned up. And it looks like I have a leaky seal. Check out the pics.
Check it out - Ron didn't want me to pay him for the paint because he likes cool projects on cool rides! I gave him a $20 of course!
Check it out - Ron didn't want me to pay him for the paint because he likes cool projects on cool rides! I gave him a $20 of course!
Ron tested the paint color by painting the bottom curve of the rack. I think it blends pretty nicely with the rest of the side.
Ron tested the paint color by painting the bottom curve of the rack. I think it blends pretty nicely with the rest of the side.
You can see the brush strokes in this pic. The only way I could find the area is to feel where it felt tacky.
You can see the brush strokes in this pic. The only way I could find the area is to feel where it felt tacky.
Here are the primer'd rims. I'm going to give them a quick wet sand and they'll be ready for spray.
Here are the primer'd rims. I'm going to give them a quick wet sand and they'll be ready for spray.
Took off the rear hub to paint. I need to clean up in there, and it looks a bit leaky....
Took off the rear hub to paint. I need to clean up in there, and it looks a bit leaky....
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Can you paint that on without a clear coat layer? I'm curious how that affects the paint lifetime, if it will chip easier or if it has some sort of hard protectant ingredient in it that acts as a clear coat as part of the paint?

Also just watched scooterwest video about rebuilding p200 front fork today so it is fresh in my mind and now that I'm seeing your hubs primed it reminded me that Robot suggests to mask off the threads on the studs when painting hubs so you don't damage the fresh paint when you put the bolts on. He also suggests leaving the tips of the studs unmasked so you get the touch of paint on the ends of the studs, while leaving the threads clean!

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62 Allstate
Looks good scott. The paint match looks good. My guess is....it is a single stage paint. Needs no clear coat. If I'm doing small pieces I don't use a paint booth. I will paint outside in good weather on the side of my house.
Painting a lot of parts you can make a make shift paint booth like Jim did in the post above.
Check your pm box...thanks scott
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swiss1939 wrote:
Robot suggests to mask off the threads on the studs when painting hubs so you don't damage the fresh paint when you put the bolts on.
Good one. I'll hit them with a wire brush and the tap and die before I reinstall. It would've been easier to tape them off, but I still want to run them in the Die and the bolts through the Tap, or is it the other way around....
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well shucks the Oregon plate looks cool compared to our current California plate is yours reflective (which I despise) like ours?

The paint looks like a excellent match. Can you introduce me to your paint friend.
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Adding a hardner to that paint will give you much better results.

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Sweet Garage
I'm diggin your garage JVB - I especially like the hats hung on the wall... Clap emoticon
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SoCalGuy wrote:
Adding a hardner to that paint will give you much better results.

Thanks! - I'll give it a shot...

And Hibbert - Come on up to the Central Oregon Coast and I'll introduce you to Ron, of Ron's Paint. He remembers everyone's name that walks through the door - seriously, it's freaky... Razz emoticon
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Re: Sweet Garage
qascooter wrote:
I'm diggin your garage JVB - I especially like the hats hung on the wall... Clap emoticon
Thanks, it is a working garage, not just for pretty. The hats are all moto hats.
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Sorry for the hijack!
@qascooter avatar

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Re: Sweet Garage
JimVonBaden wrote:
Thanks, it is a working garage, not just for pretty. The hats are all moto hats.

Sorry for the hijack!
Functional and fantastic looking! And you're not hijacking my friend. Everybody loves to see garages they can aspire towards, and yours is one of them!

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62 Allstate
Just to add a bit more as to what socalguy posted. He is correct in saying adding a hardner produces a better result...it does. Makes the paint more resilient. Scott
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While I'm waiting for the hardener to arrive (and a few other things), I primed a few parts, and cleaned up the headlight assembly.

I was able to save the original seal for the headlight by carefully removing it with a razorblade and soaking it in 303 protectant. It looks a little better, but the main thing is there is no surface rust and everything is polished and coated.
Primed the worst of the glovebox cowl in prep for matching paint. I'll practice in this area. Who am I kidding - it'll all be practice! Ha!
Primed the worst of the glovebox cowl in prep for matching paint. I'll practice in this area. Who am I kidding - it'll all be practice! Ha!
Rear hub primed. I went with this color primer because it's the same color primer underneath the paint originally
Rear hub primed. I went with this color primer because it's the same color primer underneath the paint originally
Headlamp before polishing
Headlamp before polishing
Rusty holding clips. Cleaned these with a wire wheel and steel wool
Rusty holding clips. Cleaned these with a wire wheel and steel wool
Rubber seal before I took it out and soaked it in protectant. I also polished the reflect surface with Mothers...
Rubber seal before I took it out and soaked it in protectant. I also polished the reflect surface with Mothers...
Surface rust on the inside of the ring. All that polished off nicely
Surface rust on the inside of the ring. All that polished off nicely
Finished product. Doesn't look too different, but it's clean.
Finished product. Doesn't look too different, but it's clean.
Back side of the light showing the clean backside of the ring.
Back side of the light showing the clean backside of the ring.
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'74 50s x3 '87 PK125XL '92 PK50XLS Plurimatic - & - '58 AllState '68 Sprint '66(?) Super125 '72 DanMotor Super150 and '04 Bajaj LML hybrid
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Nothing quite like really getting after it, bit by grimy bit. Gonna be worth it from the evidence so far.
@qascooter avatar

79 P200E (Ruby), 62 Allstate (B-62)
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@qascooter avatar
79 P200E (Ruby), 62 Allstate (B-62)
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Did some more cleaning, while I'm waiting to paint. I also cleaned the brake shoes themselves and gave them a sanding with 120 grit.

I used Kerosene, wire brush, screwdriver, and a bunch of rags for most of the cleaning. Also KrudKutter. It's a messy job, but hey, it looks a lot better now!
Here's a before pic
Here's a before pic
Removed the shoes...
Removed the shoes...
Cleaned up the brake plate and a bunch of other stuff I could reach.
Cleaned up the brake plate and a bunch of other stuff I could reach.
Cleaned brake shoes reinstalled. Much better. I greased the pivot points also.
Cleaned brake shoes reinstalled. Much better. I greased the pivot points also.
@charlieman22 avatar

62 VBB1T Round Tail W/ leaner sidecar
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@charlieman22 avatar
62 VBB1T Round Tail W/ leaner sidecar
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Dude - it is gonna stop 10' shorter.
Gonna look like it did leaving the factory.
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