I cleaned things up with 600 and 1000 wet sand paper, then made sure all the edging was straightened out. Time to do some touch up painting.
I wanted to just paint what I welded and under the floor rails where the weather and floor rails rubbing worked their destructive magic. I also wanted to paint the floor pan edge underneath, but just the edge.
It's possible to dial in the gun to spray in just a little area - the size of a nickle. I covered everything for any overspray, but there was so little, I probably didn't need to. I had a big piece o cardboard that I played with spray patterns on before settling on what I wanted to use.
I made this elaborate cardboard cutout of the leg trim positions and use Voodoo's trick of holding it off the area to paint, so the overspray blends in with the original, but in the end, I didn't use it. This paint gun can be dialed in that fine.
I can install the new edge trim after the paint cures!