( Keep your modern v. vintage wars outta here!! )
This is actually two questions in one:
-If you were going to pick up a vintage Vespa, what would you get and why?
-If you were going to pick up a vintage Italian scooter (other than a Vespa) what would you get and why?
-Let's just assume the scooter you would want is in decent shape already (ie it's not just a rusted out shell) but it could need some serious TLC.
-It should be something that there are still parts available for, though maybe hard to find.
This question is mainly for those with vintage experience and mechanical know-how, but I'd like to hear all suggestions and ideas.
I find myself in a fairly unique situation living in Italy and having been bitten by the scooter bug. There are a TON of readily available vintage scooters around, but I don't know much about them.