Along the lines of my previous post, "The Worst Thing You Ever Ate", I submit this knowing that Scotter, Mala Mujer, schipper, and brassduet will be laughing at me. Mine is not scooter related, just dumb male stuff.
One particular full moon night when I was in college, I happened to be at Sunset Cliffs (SD) overlooking the ocean. We thought it would be great to hike down to the water.
That particular night the grunion were "running". I thought it was cool because I've never seen a grunion before. The guys that were with me said that the grunion were edible. So we caught more than we could carry in our t-shirts. We hauled our catch back to the dorm and went out again.
This time hiking down, I miss judged the last step on the cliff. Needless to say, I fell 10ft off the cliff on to the wet sand on my hip. It felt like cement. Fortunately, I didn't break anything but I did hobble around and had to explain how it happened and what a grunion was for a few weeks.
BTW, the grunion tasted like s#!t when cooked. For those who don't know what grunion are: