Hey guys,
I got a new (2005) PX-150 about a month ago and it looks like it may be on it's way back to the shop.
The girl and I took it for a ride on Saturday, kept it under 40, made sure to respect the "break in period" for the engine. The scoot was running great, and after about a half-hour ride, we went to a restaurant.
After dinner we hopped back on to go home, and it started and ran fine. We have a large hill near our house that's probably a half a mile steady incline, so I revved up the engine and hit the thing going 35-40 mph. It handled the hill fine, then made it about a half mile past the top of the hill (on level ground) and the engine cut out. I pulled it over to the side of the road. Gave it gas, hit the electric ignition and it wouldn't turn over. Starter sounded great, battery and electrical seemed strong. Thought maybe it was the gas, and was getting nowhere with the electric ignition. I started kicking it over, with little to no gas, fearing that I had flooded it. No dice. Something wasn't catching at all. I wondered if I ran out of gas.Nope. Checked the fuel toggle. It was in the "on" position. It just seemed like the gas wasn't getting to the engine.
We coasted on a downhill slant and tried popping it out of second gear to get it to start that way. Again, the engine sounded good as it tried to turn over but it couldn't catch. I started wondering about the carbeurator, but I'm still a N00b, so I didn't want to make any diagnoses without really talking to an expert. There were only 15 miles on it!
Wheeled it home (not far from where it died thankfully), and haven't tried to start it since. I think I'm gonna try again tonight.
If it doesn't turn over tonight, I'll be calling the good folks at Scooter Originali. The scoots under warranty, but I'm concerned that since it was sitting around the showroom with fuel in the tank that it might be gunked up in there somewhere.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Any help is appreciated.