Rode my annual Assault up Mt. Mitchell Yesterday.
263 Miles round Trip
6 Hours
4900' Elevation gain/drop
40 Degree Temperature Variance.
Start Time 0600
Routed out from Charlotte via Google Maps (avoid Highway option) to Marion NC. Then took Route 80 out of Marion , NC to Mt. Mitchell State Park.
Route 80 is what the designers dreamed about when they built the 250GTS. Easy to throw around with enough power to have some fun.
The summit was cold, 53, windy and fogged in. Thank god for heated grips! (Heated grips were the best tip I got from the other the other riders in the Scooter Cannonball run last year!) The entrance of the park was 65 and sunny.
Stopping in Little Switzerland, I got the look from some Sport Bike Types. We exchanged some small talk and one of them said he needed fuel badly. I pointed to the extra salon I take on trips. His blank stare said it all -" He was to cool for that."
I come off the Parkway via 226, another interesting road with some semi truck and sketchy pavement sections. There is still a lot of exploring for me to do in that area.
Arrived back in Charlotte for a late lunch.