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Is it just me or does anyone else out there "dig" riding their scoot in the winter? Provided that it's not a hailstorm or major rain flurry.

Ominous rain clouds are lerking about in the L.A skies--but yet my scoot is calling me for a ride around town. Seems I'd rather have a cool breeze and light rain at my back then 90' degree heat and sun.

Survey says?

Anyone concur?
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yea, I tried that, but riding around the canyons in any type of rain is dangerous. I learned that the hard way Razz emoticon
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I prefer not to ride in the rain, period. I have in the past when I lived in Florida. But now there are so many people on the roads, and they dont seem to see us in perfect conditions, why raise the stakes by riding in foul weather. To me it is not worth the risk, there are plenty of days here in SoCal were we dont get rain.
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All good points "ifix" and mark...thanks. Indeed on all fronts. Couldn't imagine scootin' in the canyons in the rain. --"no fear"!
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Yea...you remember that kid's play thing...slip and slid...something like that...imagine playing on a scooter...

Last time I go to work in the rain (then again I could go another route and use the freeway, but at that point I may as well just take my car down the canyon)
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I used to ride in the rain when I was on trips, when I really needed to and there was nothing else to do, but go to work in the rain? Naw. Too much set up for such a short ride.

I do love the cooler weather that's coming, though. Nothing like sweating at a stop light.
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I don't mind riding in the rain, I live in Seattle. The wind is a different story.
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For many, if not most, scooters here, the rain/warmth skirts start coming on by October-November and just stay on until mid Spring. The number of riders goes down a bit in Winter, but not all that much unless it's snowing or something.
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I've done long trips in the rain before. Nowadays though, maybe I'm getting older or something, but I'll drive the car in the rain.
Still have my rain pants though.
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The key to riding in the rain is preparation.

If I even think it's going to rain, I'll make sure I carry rain gear along. I often check the weather radar before I ride to see if I can dodge a storm.

Having said that, If I know for sure I am going to hit a storm, I'll take the car.

I don't really mind riding in the rain, but I have to keep wiping the face shield, my vision is limited (especially at night, with the raindrops glittering in the oncoming headlights and streetlights), and I have less traction, too. Net result: The ride is a bit more dangerous.
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Rain's not that much fun but doable... now riding AFTER the rain is the best. The roads are clean, everything smells great. THAT I like.

Now... you mentioned Winter... THAT's a whole different thread (or 20).
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Try riding when your glasses fog up. That's actually what I hate most about riding in the rain.
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Anyone know where I can get snow-chains for 12-inch tires? I'm two-wheels only.
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"if you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride."

not my quote originally, don't remember who said it though.
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My glasses fog up most mornings at stoplights, but clear up almost as soon as I twist the throttle.

I don't so much need chains on my X9 as I need chainmail, perhaps some magical grip tape that never wears out and sticks to wet surfaces
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It's forecast to rain for the next 3 days in London so I'll be out there, foggy glasses and all.

I'll be taking it nice and easy and may even dust down my hi-viz, although I hate wearing that thing.

Prefer the sun.
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When I first got my scooter, i promised I would ride it to work regardless of weather. Who knew it would be Northern California's rainiest season in memory? However I learned valuable rain skills that would come in hand when I would really need it. Now I take a train if it is really stormy, but it's no sweat if I chose to ride and it rains for the returns. As a previous poster said, it's all about being prepared. A scooter skirt of rain pants help a lot.
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Don't get me wrong, I would ride in the rain if I didn't need to go down a slippery slope (literally) or out of my way to avoid it.
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i ride in all weathers.

snow is probably the funniest.

20mph MAX with feet down on the ground.

and its great for burnouts, even on a 50!!
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Generally, anything over 50% chance of rain and I dig the car out from its spot in the garage.
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I ride every day.

The truck only comes out when I need to haul something.

I will admit to high pucker factor in heavy wind+rain+heavy traffic.....

Living in the Bay area of California you really can ride 365....


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If I get caught in the rain oh well ill have to ride in the rain But by choice I don't 8) Luv those sunny skys
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I have made a point of riding more in the rain this year. I want to feel comfortable riding in all conditions. Torrential down pours and thunderstorms, that is different and I will leave my scooter at home on those days. Now, when the rain is mixed with poor light - especially as Fall approaches, then I will likely choose to leave the scooter at home. Slick roads, poor light, and cell phones are a formula for danger!
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Rain, in winter? Oh yeah, you're in California.

Love the rain, but avoid ice and snow. Black ice is especially nasty stuff on two wheels!
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I rode all winter.

But we're having a drought.

When it did rain it was only ever patchy showers. I got wet through only once and that was from riding in light rain for half an hour. So not like my shoes were squelching when I hopped off.

Didn't get my wet weather gear out once.

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I like riding in the rain. The only bad part is cleaning up the bike after. One very cold rainy morning, I had to be on a job site by 4:00am 165 miles away. 40 miles from home the rain started. About 100 miles from home it started snowing. I just tried to stay in the tracks of the truck ahead. It was a great ride. Having warm clothing that doesn't leak is the answer.
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I bought my GTS one month before the drought broke in Sydney....so if I wanted to ride for my first couple of months of ownership, I rode in the rain more often than not.

glasseye wrote:
I will admit to high pucker factor in heavy wind+rain+heavy traffic.....
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If I didn't ride in the rain then I would only ride for about 3.5 months/year. It isn't my favorite but it's not so bad.
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I'm debating whether or not to continue riding in the rain. I rode a Honda CX500 for 10 years rain or shine no problem. Loved riding in maelstroms. One month on the Vespa and I slid out braking on a rainy road at 25mph. Still not sure exactly how/why the scoot went down. I'll certainly avoid it for the forseeable future, and wear full gear rain or shine.
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I am not a big fan of riding in the rain on 12 inch tires. I hate white lines at any speed. The FJR in the rain has ABS so it is not as "twitchy" under heavy breaking.
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i commute in all weathers except ice and snow - and i have to avoid extreme cold because of circulation problems in my hands. riding in a light shower is actually kind of nice - and it's the only time that betty gets washed

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I try not to ride in the rain. Roads are too slippery and it makes me nervous enough knowing that. So riding is no fun.

I any case, I ended up driving in a few rain showers today. I even bumped into an old lady who walked out into the middle of the road from between two cars. I was only doing about 20 or 30 kph, but the road was so slippery the front wheel let go and I bumped into her. It more of a nudge really, but enough to frighten both her and me. I said I was sorry, she said I should have gone slower (which I probably should, but the speed limit was 60 and there was lots of traffic behind me) and I said she should have used the pedestrian crossing.

Anyway, no harm done. I learnt a lesson - no more riding in the rain.
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I ride all year round. Quite enjoy riding in the rain. Different smells, strange looks from other drivers.

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Rain isn't that big of a deal if you are careful and have the proper gear on. You just have to use common sense and avoid the first 15 minutes of rain after a dry spell (until the road oils and such have had a chance to wash away).
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Ride in the rain all the time, my wife and I just did a 443 mile round trip and 120 of that was rain on Friday to Desoto State Park in Alabama, just get out the Frog Toggs and Tour master and all ok
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Good insights all around for arguments both in favor and against riding in inclement weather. Rain or shine seems the underlying theme is: proper gear, safety, and above all havin' fun. Whichever you choose ride safe and have a good fall/winter. I'll look to mix it up here in L.A as our winters are fairly mild. However with "global warming" who knows what mother nature will serve up........until the next episode.

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rode for the first time in the "rain" today.

One of the 1st questions my wife asked me earlier this year is "will I ride in the rain?" My reply is yes and or no. Most of the time I will but if it's REALLY bad I'll carpool/ride the bus.

Having been forced to carpool/ride the bus for 2.5 months I was determined this morning to ride in the "rain" For most of you it realistically is a sprinkle compared to what you've experienced this year. The ground is wet, there was a light steady flow of water droplets.

Just busted out the winter riding gloves and my workout pants (Used as a pseudo rain pants).

Definitely need that thumb squeegee and will be saving up for the full face.

Was nervous but remembered all the advice from Proficient Motorcycling and the MSF course stuff. Just took her slow. Annoyed a few cagers that "had to get around me". Got to work. Took longer but got here, didn't dump her and didn't take a ride in the big car with shiny lights.

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Going stright you're cool; beware of quick turns
I ride in the rain all the time in San Francisco and the Bay area, since It's my only mode of transportation. I've found if you keep a staright line your pretty cool, it's just turning and riding over painted signs and cable car tracks are super sketchy. I almost eat really hard one day in the rain trying to get off the tracks, I somehow pulled it off, going sideways for 10 feet or so. Good luck , P.S. obviously getting water/wind proof pants, gloves and jackets are a must.
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I love it.
I love it! its even better when you see another scooter on the road. I really feel like its those times that you are making a difference. since I got my scoot I have not taken my car to work and now it is 4000 miles later. I have rain pants and a good jacket but this year I'll try an apron. If our guys in Iraq can get shot at in the rain. I can leave my gas guzzler at home and ride in the rain. Evey little bit helps!

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sarah wrote:
If I didn't ride in the rain then I would only ride for about 3.5 months/year. It isn't my favorite but it's not so bad.
Is anyone considering the MP3 three-wheeler specifically for riding in the rain in places like Seattle? It would make the ride safer but the trade-off would be the additional weight and physical size of the bike.
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