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Check this out first

Ok, I was SHOOK all the way home after this. Simply because I usually always go in that lane and would hopefully be typing this in the hospital instead of at all. Is this the reason bikers lane split? NYC bikes pass me all the time but it's illegal here. On one hand if I live I get paid on the other I'd rather take this kind of accident off the table.

Enlighten me here people.https://youtu.be/yg9IjZDmXNI
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The link would be handy for those of us using Chrome...
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You got it
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Sure, being rear ended is one of the ways a PTW (and its rider) are particularly vulnerable. I wouldn't say that risk is eliminated by lane splitting. That has it's own unique risks. The risk of being rear ended can be reduced by constantly checking your mirror when traffic ahead of you slows down suddenly and you don't have a slow vehicle behind you. Be prepared to duck to the shoulder or where ever you can reach a safe place. I hate stop and go traffic. I avoid it when at all possible, but I'm a retired guy and have the advantage I don't need to commute in traffic.

Look at your video. Being between the black Audi and the red SUV certainly wouldn't have saved you.
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Dooglas wrote:
Sure, being rear ended is one of the ways a PTW (and its rider) are particularly vulnerable. I wouldn't say that risk is eliminated by lane splitting. That has it's own unique risks. The risk of being rear ended can be reduced by constantly checking your mirror when traffic ahead of you slows down suddenly and you don't have a slow vehicle behind you. Be prepared to duck to the shoulder or where ever you can reach a safe place. I hate stop and go traffic. I avoid it when at all possible, but I'm a retired guy and have the advantage I don't need to commute in traffic.

Look at your video. Being between the black Audi and the red SUV certainly wouldn't have saved you.
Except you wouldn't have been there - you'd already have sailed up to the front of the queue, with many stationary cars between you and the rear-ender.
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I got rear ended 2 weeks ago. I was stopped at a red light and was checking my mirrors until a car stop behind me.
A big chevy K2500 stopped behind me and I thought it was ok.
30 seconds later I was on the ground... hit by the big chevy K2500. The guy for no reason started to go forward

We are always a target even when you think it is safe.
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jimc wrote:
Dooglas wrote:
Sure, being rear ended is one of the ways a PTW (and its rider) are particularly vulnerable. I wouldn't say that risk is eliminated by lane splitting. That has it's own unique risks. The risk of being rear ended can be reduced by constantly checking your mirror when traffic ahead of you slows down suddenly and you don't have a slow vehicle behind you. Be prepared to duck to the shoulder or where ever you can reach a safe place. I hate stop and go traffic. I avoid it when at all possible, but I'm a retired guy and have the advantage I don't need to commute in traffic.

Look at your video. Being between the black Audi and the red SUV certainly wouldn't have saved you.
Except you wouldn't have been there - you'd already have sailed up to the front of the queue, with many stationary cars between you and the rear-ender.
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jimc wrote:
Except you wouldn't have been there - you'd already have sailed up to the front of the queue, with many stationary cars between you and the rear-ender.
Maybe. Or maybe you WOULD have been between the black Audi and the red SUV because the space between the next two vehicles was too narrow. There is no easy path to safety in traffic in my experience. Being alert and anticipating issues is the best you can do.
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Dooglas wrote:
jimc wrote:
Except you wouldn't have been there - you'd already have sailed up to the front of the queue, with many stationary cars between you and the rear-ender.
Maybe. Or maybe you WOULD have been between the black Audi and the red SUV because the space between the next two vehicles was too narrow. There is no easy path to safety in traffic in my experience. Being alert and anticipating issues is the best you can do.
Never go anywhere that doesn't have an escape route. I suspect this takes some time and years of experience (or extra training) to be a constant in a rider's awareness.

Whatever, lane-splitting (US definition) or filtering (rest of the world) is not only actually safer but also feels much safer to the rider - with zero downside to the other vehicles sharing the road.
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jimc wrote:
Dooglas wrote:
jimc wrote:
Except you wouldn't have been there - you'd already have sailed up to the front of the queue, with many stationary cars between you and the rear-ender.
Maybe. Or maybe you WOULD have been between the black Audi and the red SUV because the space between the next two vehicles was too narrow. There is no easy path to safety in traffic in my experience. Being alert and anticipating issues is the best you can do.
Never go anywhere that doesn't have an escape route. I suspect this takes some time and years of experience (or extra training) to be a constant in a rider's awareness.

Whatever, lane-splitting (US definition) or filtering (rest of the world) is not only actually safer but also feels much safer to the rider - with zero downside to the other vehicles sharing the road.
Hi Jim,

I define the two (lane-splitting and filtering) differently.

Lane-splitting is between lanes of traffic - mostly moving, though they can be stop and go.

Filtering is moving up to the front at a red light between stopped cars.

Filtering, of course, is much safer as no cars can change lanes into you.

Just semantics,of course, but they might be viewed differently legally in different venues.
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jimc wrote:
Never go anywhere that doesn't have an escape route. I suspect this takes some time and years of experience (or extra training) to be a constant in a rider's awareness.
Excellent advice, but how can you predict when the "escape route" between two lanes of moving traffic will close? I will accept that experience and training help you do a better job of anticipating, but I don't buy that an experienced rider always "knows".
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Dooglas wrote:
jimc wrote:
Never go anywhere that doesn't have an escape route. I suspect this takes some time and years of experience (or extra training) to be a constant in a rider's awareness.
Excellent advice, but how can you predict when the "escape route" between two lanes of moving traffic will close? I will accept that experience and training help you do a better job of anticipating, but I don't buy that an experienced rider always "knows".
How, when in a car, can you predict that the car in the next lane won't swerve into you?

Same question really, and same answer - you should stay aware of your surroundings at all times.
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jimc wrote:
How, when in a car, can you predict that the car in the next lane won't swerve into you?

Same question really, and same answer - you should stay aware of your surroundings at all times.
Yes, it is the same answer. There is always some uncertainty when riding and that creates risk. The choices each of us make help us manage that risk, as does our skill level and degree of awareness. Every rider determines their own tolerance for risk and that will surely differ among individuals.

That is why it is often difficult to answer someone else's question about whether they should or shouldn't do something when riding. Most of us simply resort to describing our own experiences.

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$10 says the driver was on his/her cell phone.

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reticulum wrote:
I got rear ended 2 weeks ago. I was stopped at a red light and was checking my mirrors until a car stop behind me.
A big chevy K2500 stopped behind me and I thought it was ok.
30 seconds later I was on the ground... hit by the big chevy K2500. The guy for no reason started to go forward

We are always a target even when you think it is safe.
Was this in Chicago? Where did it happen? Just 2 days ago there was a hit-and-run on Diversey near Lavenge... It was 9pm, SUV rear-ended a motorcyclist and he was killed, and the SUV took off without stopping.

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It doesn't look like lane splitting was an option for you, it looks too tight.
The Audi driver was just an asshole, why was he not prepared to stop with all that stop and go traffic? Must have been distracted in some way.
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One of the reasons they made MP3s is so you can still ride them like a scooter, which means lane splitting in most of the world.
You do see it a lot in NY and FL, mainly because there is so much congestion, and as long as you don't run up on a M/C cop, you get away with it.
Once you come to a stop, use the rear brake to hold you in position, but leave the front one alone. If you do get rear ended, you are less likely to do somersaults.
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Vintage1 wrote:
It doesn't look like lane splitting was an option for you, it looks too tight.
The Audi driver was just an asshole, why was he not prepared to stop with all that stop and go traffic? Must have been distracted in some way.
Well there is an alternative use of Audi spelling for the drivers of an Audi. I also noticed that it is a VT plate. We don't have traffic so when I am driving in traffic, I am hyper vigilant. That person was just stupid.
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as was already said...always have an escape route...always watch your mirrors...leave some cushion space behind the car in front of you...and always have your bike lined up so you can slide right up next to the car in front of you so that car can take the impact...just don't stop right in the middle of the car in front of you...always to the side...if you get hit you want to keep moving and not end up sandwiched or stopped by the car in front of you...keep your head on a swivel and assume no one can see you
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greenspam wrote:
reticulum wrote:
I got rear ended 2 weeks ago. I was stopped at a red light and was checking my mirrors until a car stop behind me.
A big chevy K2500 stopped behind me and I thought it was ok.
30 seconds later I was on the ground... hit by the big chevy K2500. The guy for no reason started to go forward

We are always a target even when you think it is safe.
Was this in Chicago? Where did it happen? Just 2 days ago there was a hit-and-run on Diversey near Lavenge... It was 9pm, SUV rear-ended a motorcyclist and he was killed, and the SUV took off without stopping.
It was in Chicago on Chicago Avenue. Not related to this sad thing.
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Point37 wrote:
as was already said...always have an escape route...always watch your mirrors...leave some cushion space behind the car in front of you...and always have your bike lined up so you can slide right up next to the car in front of you so that car can take the impact...just don't stop right in the middle of the car in front of you...always to the side...if you get hit you want to keep moving and not end up sandwiched or stopped by the car in front of you...keep your head on a swivel and assume no one can see you
I am constantly going through, "what if" scenarios in my head as I am riding.
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WEB-Tech wrote:
Point37 wrote:
as was already said...always have an escape route...always watch your mirrors...leave some cushion space behind the car in front of you...and always have your bike lined up so you can slide right up next to the car in front of you so that car can take the impact...just don't stop right in the middle of the car in front of you...always to the side...if you get hit you want to keep moving and not end up sandwiched or stopped by the car in front of you...keep your head on a swivel and assume no one can see you
I am constantly going through, "what if" scenarios in my head as I am riding.
same here...i'm always looking around and trying to anticipate what people are going to do...i also do this when i drive a car to try to keep sharp...i have an 86 miles round trip commute so i have a good amount of practice...i'm also always trying to make eye contact with oncoming drivers especially if they look like they may be turning left in front of me
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