2006 Vespa LX 150
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2006 Vespa LX 150
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2006 Vespa LX 150 - Oil light and Starter not working

I bought a 2006 Vespa LX 150 with 5700 miles. The electric starter doesn't make more than a clicking noise and the oil light is on. The spark plug was the first thing to be replaced along with a new battery and nothing has changed. I bought it from someone who said it just needs a new battery and now I'm a bit worried. Any advise on what to check or change would be appreciated. J
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LXV 150 3v ie. Midnight Blue (Sold) Now Honda Zoomer X
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oil light should be on if the engine is not running.

Check all the fuses.

Check the ground cable for corrosion.

Check the relays (unplug them and re-install)

Give the starter a rap with a small hammer.

2006 Vespa LX 150
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2006 Vespa LX 150
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Electric starter now works and the oil light goes off when starting.

The scooter will not start.
If I put carb cleaner in the intake rubber tube going into the carb then I can get it to sound like it's going to start for a second then turn off.

Any advise on starting and having it stay on would be appreciated.

It has most likely been sitting for nearly two years.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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First thing is to check for spark - though if the engine 'coughed' when you tried with carb cleaner it's probably OK. So assuming you've checked for spark and it's there:

Take the fuel line off the carb, and turn the engine over with the starter. Fuel should come out of the open line. If not:

Check the vacuum lines for cracking - and it's not a bad idea to replace the fuel and vacuum lines anyway. However, for the moment we're trying to find out why fuel isn't getting in, so if the vacuum lines are fine, the fuel tap or the fuel pump may be faulty. So change them out, and a new fuel filter is a good idea.

If fuel does come out of the fuel line, then the float needle that allows fuel into the carb bowl may be stuck shut. Now is the time to remove the carb, open it up, and give it a good clean with particular attention to the idle jet and accelerator pump. The float needle can be removed by tapping out the float pin with a pop-rivet shaft.

With spark and fuel it should now start.

My bet is that it's just a gummed-up carb from old dried-out fuel.
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