Ok, being new to the scooter scene (about 2 yrs now), I have only had a passenger once. That was last year in Oct when we had bought a pair of 2006 GTS250's (already had Sprint 150's) and when stopping for a picture, my scoot would not start. Subject of previous MV posts on fuel pump replacement.
Anyhow, my 28yr old bohemian daughter was here for the weekend and wanted to go for a ride. My wife had previous commitment so it was just my daughter and me. She wore her mothers helmet, jacket, gloves, boots but just jeans. Went thru the safety stuff about not getting on/off til I say so, being a sack of potatoes, etc. I know I was probably more nervous than her about this.
We ended up doing a ride of about 1.5 hrs on nice VT roads, past Lake St. Catherine and not much traffic. I started to relax after we got out of the city onto more rural roads. Since we have an helmet comm system, at one point, she asked me if she was being a good sack of potatoes. Love her!
We experienced a great ride together, one of the few precious times I get to spend with her alone. Really know how Bill (WLeuthold) felt spending time with his daughter on pillion when they rode thru VT.
We stopped at what is know locally as the Giant's Dinner Table to take pics. Attached one here of her on the scoot. Looks alot like Mom.
End of ride, she said she enjoyed it and thinks she should get a scooter for running around in Burlington. Maybe made a convert here and wish I knew about scooters years ago. Stung by the wasp now!