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Go to shops which carry many helmets. Try them on.
When you find the right one .....wear it for 20 mins around the shop. Still like it?
Spend a couple of hours doing this. Go back to the shop which had your favorite and buy it if it's hi viz or white.
Best helmet in the world is no good if you get dinged because you went with a cool stealth black one. Why hide from traffic?
Helmet is #1 thing which can make us visible.
Never buy helmet that you've not tried on for proper, safe fit. Watch expert videos on what a proper fit is.

Piaggio BV250
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JokeToy, good luck with the selection you opted to go with. for the next one, in case it has not been mentioned prior, Arai helmets is one manufacturer that offers distinct helmet lines for differing head shapes, a practice that will help ensure both a comfortable as well as a snug fit.
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the helmet has to fit your head.
dot and snell approved
full face
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On my Nolar Trinity (I think) the chin bar could be added or removed any time.

For me it was like a modular. Chin bar off, helmet on with glasses on, snap chin bar on, roll. That was my second Nolan.

After that I went with the Neotec I and like it better for the air flow as a year round rider if SoFla.

The only thing I was a bit annoyed at was a new Sena com system was required for the Neotech II from the I. Luckily my wife needed a new helmet and they had a left over Neotec I discounted that fit her so we swapped my com into hers and a new com into mine.

For me the Nolan Trinity had the best visibility by far. The Neatech is quiter, excellent ventilation, better aerodynamics with less back pressure, and very comfortable.

The Neotech II is even better. The flow and areo is better. The com system is much better. That is important to me. I get RR track warning, speed limit notices, sharp curve warnings etc. As an independent consultant I need to be available to my clients even if it is an "I'll call you back in 5 minutes" and then stop under a bridge." And yes I like to listen to music, especially when I need to eat 400-500 miles of interstate for a couple of days.

This is just my experience and much is from my experience with older models. I usually have two current helmets because...that's just how it happens. My first Nolan had an external flip down sun visor that at the time was the bomb!

Once you have your personal safety requirements met then it comes down to your choice. I used to be a Nolan guy now I'm a Shoie guy. Both are very good!

If you're going upper tier you're going to spend some coin. For as much as I wear it and the protection and conveeinces provided the price is well worth it in my opinion. Wear it for 5 years unless I mess it up then start again!

You might as well go at it like buying a car. Set your butget do your gome work then go kick some tires and try some helmets.

Keep us updated!
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Worth having a read through the information on the Sharp website: https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/

Particularly the fitting guide: https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/get-the-right-fit/

And the ratings explained: https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/sharp-testing/

Then have a browse of the actual test ratings and notice that price paid and brand cachet is absolutely no guarantee of safety factor.
Some very high end helmets have unbelievably low ratings.

Helmets are the one thing you must try before you buy, we all have different head shapes and sizes.

Happy hunting
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I'm about 10 days or so in with the Nolan N70-2GT. This helmet fits my head better than any other I've worn over the past 50 years of riding. The removable chin bar is easy to put on or take off - I find it most comfortable to put the helmet on without the chin bar, then snap the bar in place. The vents do a decent job. It can be more quiet with the vents closed (especially the vent in the face screen), but it is nice to be able to move some air in the helmet.

The best feature: the visibility. The modular helmet I had been wearing made me have to angle my head down to see the speedometer - I can easily see the speedo and better side-to-side with the N70.

My wife thought it might be a good idea to wear one of those cooling skull caps made for under a helmet to keep this new liner fresh longer. I tried one... in order to "cool," you have to wet it, wring it out, and snap it. Nope - not going to put a wet skull cap in my brand new helmet. I tried it dry... couldn't feel any of the air from the vents and felt like my brain was boiling. For a short time before I stopped and took that off. Well, that was fun. Not. We do have a couple of those cooling neck wraps that have worked well for us.

Bottom line: the Nolan N70-2GT gets a big ol' thumbs up from me.
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