Hi there.
I rebuilt my engine and have:
Cylinder Pinasco 102cc aluminium
Crankshaft Mazzucheli racing 20/20mm
Flowed cases (gasket matched)
Stock Dell'Orto SHB 19/19 (42 Idle jet; 83 main jet)
2 turns on the mixture screw
stock filter but without the interior
exhaust simonini
stock ignition with stock flywheel (+-2300gr)
stock gearing but with pinasco 16T (16/69)
reforced clutch with 4 disks
Can you give me more ideas for porting the cylinder ou other things to "wake" up a little bit the engine?
- I'm thinking change the flywheel to another with 1750gr.
- i just like to do a little cylinder porting but i do know how to calculate. Maybe raise 1mm the exhaust port?
What do you think about it?