i'm getting pretty frustrated. I got this scooter to have fun with this summer and all I'm doing is spending money and working on it in my garage!
After chasing a bit of broken clutch circlip that I managed to find and get out of the gear box after splitting the case, I got things back together and now I'm facing a new set of problems.
1. There is no electrical power. My battery is charged and the horn works but no lights or starter.
2. With the scooter in neutral it rolls like it should (unlike if it is in gear) but when I push on the kick starter while in neutral it wants to roll forward like it is in gear.
I'm about 90 miles north of Seattle and unaware of any shops in the region. I've had horriblew luck with the two most popular parts suppliers unwilling to give tech support over the phone and sending me wrong parts and partial orders.