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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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Owner's manual for my 2018 Liberty150i says I am to lubricate three things every 6,200 miles.

1) "Pin - Rear drum brake set screw"

2) "Front wheel bearing seal ring"

3) "Transmission"

#1 has me stumped (I'm new to drum brakes since my '73 Beetle)
Here's a photo of the area.
What gets "lubed"?

The White arrowed screw?
The Yellow circled pivot?
The Red circled cable-end bolt & nut?

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

I'm guessing that top screw. ?

(I have the AF1-Racing Piaggio service manual download - it tells me how to take my engine apart, but skips over the mundane stuff)

Advice is appreciated.
Thanks, O.S.
(I'm taking it to Firestone for the "transmission" lube)
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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1) Means both sides of the adjusting screw (you have marked the end side in red).

2) Dunno.

3) Piaggio use the term 'transmission' to refer to all Bowden cables. So throttle cables, brake cables, seat opening cables, whatever.
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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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@oldschooot avatar
2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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jimc wrote:
1) Means both sides of the adjusting screw (you have marked the end side in red).

2) Dunno.

3) Piaggio use the term 'transmission' to refer to all Bowden cables. So throttle cables, brake cables, seat opening cables, whatever.
Thanks Jim!

Will do.
Pretty much every metal part has been ACF-50'd X 2.
The cables will be fun, I expect.....
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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@jimc avatar
The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Honestly, don't fuss with the cables unless you have a cable lubing kit left over from your cycling days - otherwise it's a PITA. I don't bother - but I do add some lube to the end of the throttle cable whenever I take the headset apart. That's a favourite place for them to corrode and fail - but a dab of lithium grease seems to keep it going for years.

Lubing the rear brake is a good idea though, as is lubing the centre-stand pivots and spring mounting pins.
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