Owner's manual for my 2018 Liberty150i says I am to lubricate three things every 6,200 miles.
1) "Pin - Rear drum brake set screw"
2) "Front wheel bearing seal ring"
3) "Transmission"
#1 has me stumped (I'm new to drum brakes since my '73 Beetle)
Here's a photo of the area.
What gets "lubed"?
The White arrowed screw?
The Yellow circled pivot?
The Red circled cable-end bolt & nut?
I'm guessing that top screw. ?
(I have the AF1-Racing Piaggio service manual download - it tells me how to take my engine apart, but skips over the mundane stuff)
Advice is appreciated.
Thanks, O.S.
(I'm taking it to Firestone for the "transmission" lube)