Hello everyone
My bike is 94my PX200.
I've done engine rebuilt with o-tuning. Enlarged Port and polish , spaco 26/26si with autolube mainjet 120. 68mm piston. Flowed 57 stroke chrankshaft and cylinder head is skimmed 2 mm. Squish gap is 2mm or 2.30mm , İgnation time is standart 23 degree. Gianelli expansion chamfer type exhaust. My problem is bogging at low revs. First start and idle perfect but after 5 minutes riding problem starting My bike run high rpm (3/4 throttle and full throttle ) very well but when I want to stop for traffic lights engine bogging and stop in 5 seconds. And the other hand too much and splatter burnt black gunk oil is coming out the end of exhaust stub and exhaust clamp. I need your suggestions.
Where should I start ignation , air or oil suck , jetting ?