2008 MP3 400
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2008 MP3 400
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Just to share a fix with my starter relay switch activated with the brake caliper.
I had this problem before so knew where to check for it.
Once the housing is off, the caliper switch needs to be unscrewed as a unit (wires attached) from the frame revealing the push button on the end.
I found it to be stuck in the pushed-in position which is the "off" one.*
A little WD 40 and it was freed to pop out to the "on" one.
Pumped it a few times so it moved freely and put everything back together, this time reverse-twisting the wiring beforehand so it would not bind when screwed in. Bike started OK; easy fix.

My point is that when a button switches like that seizes up it will be in the "off" mode, thus no start. Lubrication fixes it, allowing it to spring out when the caliper is pulled.

*opposite to push-for-on which one might assume

For what it's worth...
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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those switches unplug from the wires, just unplug them before screwing them out, saves twisting up the wires and possibly breaking them.

they are also the brake light switches.

I also recommend caring at least 1 on the scoot as a spare.

mp3 500 2016
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mp3 500 2016
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Caliper start switch?which caliper?
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@old_as_dirt avatar
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echris108 wrote:
Caliper start switch?which caliper?
it is not a CALIPER start switch he is talking about as there is no such name of part.

he is referring to the brake light/start switch that is screwed into the brake resivor housing that is activated when you squeeze the brake levers.
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Molto Verboso
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@kshansen avatar
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old as dirt wrote:
echris108 wrote:
Caliper start switch?which caliper?
it is not a CALIPER start switch he is talking about as there is no such name of part.

he is referring to the brake light/start switch that is screwed into the brake resivor housing that is activated when you squeeze the brake levers.
Using the wrong or just confusing terminology and sure muddy up an otherwise good tip!
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