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So I'm cruising along with traffic in the left lane when a car starts moving over from the right lane, sees me, and returns to his lane. I see why too late. There's a monster puddle he was trying to miss and instead of cutting me off he decides to plow through it. He hit his brakes and I did too a moment later but the split second difference brought me right into the puddle-kill-zone. My speed basically matched the cars at this point so I got the full Niagra Falls treatment for the length of the puddle. This was no splash. It was torrential bucketsfull drenching from head to toe of nasty warm street water.

There was a place to stop 15-20 yards up so I pulled over and smiled back at all the cars rolling by laughing their asses off. Then back home to change quickly and head back the same way to the title place where I was headed to title my new to me gts250.
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Re: DRENCHED by a puddle
rob g wrote:
Then back home to change quickly and head back the same way to the title place where I was headed to title my new to me gts250.

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You have my sympathy as I got the same treatment by a Range Rover in the UK. Slight difference in that we were going toward each other and there was a dip in the road we hit the same time. It was like a giant ocean wave washing over me. I even had water come inside my full face helmet, inside my waterprooof AGATT. Heck my leather boots got so wet they fell apart as they dried.
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Were you able to keep the title paperwork dry??
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Captain Jim wrote:
Were you able to keep the title paperwork dry??
Yes it was under the seat. Lol I knew someone was going to post this because I just saw it posted today!
cdwise wrote:
You have my sympathy as I got the same treatment by a Range Rover in the UK. Slight difference in that we were going toward each other and there was a dip in the road we hit the same time. It was like a giant ocean wave washing over me. I even had water come inside my full face helmet, inside my waterprooof AGATT. Heck my leather boots got so wet they fell apart as they dried.
Ocean wave is a very good description. I couldn't have been wetter if I'd gotten into a shower. I've been in rain and not got as wet as I got today. The best part was the show the cagers got. I'm sure they all went home and told that story!
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rob g wrote:
cdwise wrote:
You have my sympathy as I got the same treatment by a Range Rover in the UK. Slight difference in that we were going toward each other and there was a dip in the road we hit the same time. It was like a giant ocean wave washing over me. I even had water come inside my full face helmet, inside my waterprooof AGATT. Heck my leather boots got so wet they fell apart as they dried.
Ocean wave is a very good description. I couldn't have been wetter if I'd gotten into a shower. I've been in rain and not got as wet as I got today. The best part was the show the cagers got. I'm sure they all went home and told that story!
I've had showers where I didn't get as wet as that day.
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If you stopped in the middle of the puddle it would have been worse, if you see it from the best side life will be easier.
PS: in Italy it is a normal situation with huge holes hidden underwater, it drives like the game Pac Man.
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