So I'm behind a car at a red light noticing that the driver in front of me is frantically adjusting his rear view mirror and basically freaking out. My brain flashed "modulating headlight alert". I turned my wheel so that it wouldn't flash him. Then the light changed. I started to follow him at a safe distance doing about 20 mph when he stopped in the middle of his lane! He was frantically motioning me to pass so I waited for traffic and moved into the left lane to pass. He started yelling and screaming that the flashing light was "ridiculous and unnecessary". I stopped at his window and said "you noticed me, didn't you? ... sorry but being on a motorcycle is all about getting noticed.... and congratulations on being the only person to ever complain about it! " He went ballistic then decided to continue his journey. I could only fall behind and follow ('').... modulator flashing away. Could'a turned it off I guess... if he'd have been less of a swine.
Anyone else with a similar story?