FF hat
Armored jacket - mesh or solid; depending on the weather, with a quilted liner also 8)
Jeans - I do want armored pants, really, I do
Armored gloves - mesh or full gauntlet, again, depending on the weather
Leather and nylon combat-type boots that go a bit further up than just over the ankle
Cincinnati John wrote:
Maybe part of the reason I haven't been doing jacket and gloves all the time is that, although they may protect you from cuts and scrapes, they won't protect you from broken bones and internal injuries. Still, bleeding is quite the unpleasent experience.
I've been broken many times, and I've been cut, scraped, abraded or otherwise made to bleed, many times. If I were forced to make the choice between being broken or made to bleed, I'll take broken, please. I'd even take broken over sprained. The healing process is less painful and shorter.