Well, for only the second time in two years I got it hugely wrong. Normally I monitor the rain radar on our local weather website. Yesterday afternoon I decided to make a run for it on the GT200 in front of a large storm front.
I lost.
I was crossing our harbour bridge when it hit. Torrential rain, large hail and lightning far to close for comfort. The GT was magnificent. The rain and hail was so heavy cars were stopping on the motorway as their wipers couldn't cope and visibility was so limited.
I pressed on at about 25 km/h and arrived home drenched, bruised (from the hail) but safe.
My newish modular helmet from Nitro was brilliant. No leaking, no fogging, no worries Mate
It was one hell of a ride and not one I am keen to repeat but in a way I feel I am richer for the experience.