hahaha. I'm buzzing. A friend of mine from work has fallen in love with scooters from me riding my Lambretta and GS160 to work all the time. She started by asking if she could ride on the back of mine... she bought her own helmet and gloves...
since then EVERY scooter i get her around she takes a ride on - all my friend's bikes... modern vespas, Pseries/ Stellas, smallframes, supers, sprints, ..everything. She told me she ONLY wanted vintage, and ONLY a lambretta - that it was the only bike that felt substantial underneath her. She learned on my LI150 and that's exactly what she wanted.
So today we see this all original 1963 Lambretta LI150 with the stock paint and everything up on Ebay... with a buy -it-now of $1500. And so she bought it.
I'm so frigging excited for her. She's just emailing me constantly about it ...she's so excited and it makes me excited. I had to post it somewhere... i love hooking up people with scoots - particularly their first scoot. There's something so wonderful in recapturing the feeling of getting YOUR first scoot again.
Incidentally, any of you heading from the VA / MD area up to the Pittsburgh Scooter rally this weekend? I could use a ride for this bike if you're heading that way ( or any way over westward in the next week )
here's a pic of her new bike: