Had a couple delays in getting to it, the most pressing was that there was no center stand !! (luckily the nice guy who sold it to me found it and is mailing it ...phew). My next issue is how the heck do I start re assembling this lovely scooter? the engine is intact and very clean (ran 12 years ago) my thoughts are
1. center stand
2. engine
3. rear wheel
3. front end
4. wiring and cables
5. gearbox, brake handles, other things like this
I am excited but overwhelmed any advice on what worked for you is great. Found some awesome posts but none on the order of things in general.
One good story: The paint on my fender from the other day orange peeled bad, the guy who sold me the paint and told me it would not orange peel felt so bad he sanded and sprayed it for me! totally by surprise too I was waiting for a call to say he had matched the color again and he sent me a picture of the re painted fender! that was pretty f'ing great and restored my faith in humanity (im a cheap date