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Here's a shot in the opposite direction. It was very quiet here in July when I took these photos. It will likely be busier now.
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This view is to the left of the first photo and to the right of the second one.
These two towers may be seen alongside the interstate highway that is on the other side of this hill.
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This is a wider version of the first photo. It will be a nice day on Sunday: go get it!
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I was fortunate to be able to take a picture with an unobstructed view. This photo shows what might normally have interfered.
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You will have to get by this guy on the way into this location.
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Another weekend is almost here. This shot should make it easier for anyone who has not figured it out already.
I thought we might hear from one of the north bay folks on this one because they wouldn't have to cross this bridge to get it.
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Hubby spent three weeks in the hospital and it'll be a while before he's ready to ride. I'd go get the tag if I didn't feel guilty riding around without him. He now needs to get to the DMV to add get his MI endorsement and then get his name on the insurance.
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Here is a shot I obviously didn't take myself but gives a nice overview of the area. Weather is nice again this week: go get it.
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ok, I'm starting to feel guilty for not heading over there. I believe there's a dead fish in that area and sugar for your coffee.

There you go two more hints.
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At last........
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Tried to post next pic several times but kept getting this message....

"This post it would seem
Has been submitted before
IE treachery"

Any ideas?????

Some kind of haiku virus?
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Way to Go! It's been great weather for riding (if only my bikes were running Crying or Very sad emoticon )
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Hurray!!!! Clap emoticon Clap emoticon
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Next one....
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I haven't been on MV or my scooter for some time.

I'm bummed cause I could have easily gotten the tag at the Maritime Academy, my ex used to be an engineer on that ship and I've been there a lot;

Oh well, I'll try to check in more and join in on the fun!!
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Hint - Cummings Skyway
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Did this die off?

I was talking to a guy about "Geo-Cashing" (I think that's the spelling, but maybe it's "Geo-Caching") and it feels like time to get back into the Scooter Tag thing.

To that end I'll hit this spot by 12/29 unless someone beats me.
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I guess it died a slow death. I didn't try to revive it since there didn't seem to be much enthusiasm. Then I moved north to Spokane and will have to wait until spring to ride again Crying or Very sad emoticon

Have fun.
⬆️    About 6 years elapsed    ⬇️
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I moved from SF to vallejo, is this still alive?
I was very active on the Bay Area Scooter Tag but I live outside the zone now !
I'll try a tag and see what happens . 2 Vespas Nd 2 Genuines,
❤️ Laura
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Solano County. Napa is over the ridge in the background.
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