The Problem: I went for an uneventful ride after the scoot having sat for over a month. When I returned and went to roll her under cover it was hard to do.I put the scooter up on the center stand and tried to turn the rear wheel by and and it was VERY stiff. The rear rotor was also very hot. I am thinking the brakes are somehow stuck but don't really know where to begin. Once everything cooled off and I worked the wheel around a little, it was looser but still stiff.
I have seen a couple of other threads on the rear wheel being very hard to turn by hand with a lot of references to the clutch or sticking brakes. How is this best diagnosed and repaired and can it be diagnosed and/or repaired without removing the rear wheel?
Edited to add: Could this be moisture in the brake fluid expanding and closing the calipers?
Thanks all.