Hey fam.
So the EXACT same thing happened to me as this guys post.
BV350 electrical gremlin
I was driving the scoot. I looked down and saw my instrument cluster was OFF. The bike was still running but ALL my electronics were off.
I pull off the road. Turn off the bike then tried to start it again.
I turn the key to start and no display lights or no electronic noise.
All I see is the Immobilizer LED flash once then stays off.
I disconnect the negative and check fuses. I see my #5 fuse blown.
Per my manual - fuse #5:
"Capacity: 10 A
Protected circuits: key powered: antitheft pre-installation, saddle release control unit pre-installation, turn indicator control device, high-beam flash, instrument panel, daylight running lights, horn, stop lights, start-up enabling switch, license plate light"
Trying to get bike to start/home I swapped the 5A fuse to my #5 10A slot.
I put the key in the ignition and the display turned on and did it's self check but then after 5 seconds it blew that fuse.
Now my brother has show up with more fuses for me.
I now have the correct 10A fuse and insert it.
It did the same and blew within 5 seconds.
Frustrated I test my luck and put in a 15A fuse In that 10A slot.
It worked!
The bike cycled on and started. I was able to drive it home.
Now here's my question:
Why did this happen??
Is it safe to run a 15A in the 10A slot?
I will buy more fuses today and try to put back the correct 10A fuse and see what happens.
That night I started the bike 3 more times without problems or blown fuses(but remember I have the 15A in the 10A slot)
Sides notes:
Reading the manual I found that if the Immobilizer LED flashes 1-3 times and STAYS on with NO start, then I have a fault.
But my led Flashed once with the key in then stays off.
So I don't think it's this problem.
The bike is a '13 with 1600 miles. The ONLY thing I did to it was replace the 2 brake light bulbs with brighter LEDs and I had removed my halogen cargo light(while I wait for my new LED cargo light to come in)
But since I replaced those bulbs and removed my cargo light I had driven it easily 60 miles with zero issue.
Sorry for the long post.
Can anyone help/lead me the right way.