Upon reading...
stimuli wrote:
Gearing looks like this> Bought a 35 tooth fourth by mistake. Got a 36 waiting for next case split.
And this...
It's weird, but I love it. I'll need an even shorter fourth to really make use of fourth gear. I already have a BGM xmas tree with closer gearing, a quite tall primary (22/63 if memory serves). This gives me a first gear that actually does something besides wheelies, a taller second, third the same as stock (my fave gear; I didn't want to mess with it), and fourth shorter (though needs a touch more shortening).
Thinking that you want more fun... & better gearing...
I am going to recommend my all-time fav proven for fun, but setup in my instance on 8" VBC GEARING SETUP...
it also takes into consideration COST.
make that mofo LONGGGG ( pretty sure you already have that).
For the final calcs, this is the TOP SPEED factoring device.
It needs to be matched to the powerband, with TOP REALISTIC SPEED (ie about 110kmh) being possible at about 2/3 or so range of the useful usable power, with 100-110kmh being in the sweetspot of the powerband.
1st Gear:
Leave it STANDARD.
It saves costs, and really, it's ok till somewhere like 35kmh, and longer and it can become frustrating for city-riding, and getting going off the lights (till ya hit mid-intersection and all hell breaks loose)
2nd Gear:
ADD a TOOTH (possibly 2 TEETH)
Bring it as close to 3rd as you can, with the powerband being about 65/70-80-85kmh
Therefore once you are on the pipe in 2nd, there is always an option to;
A; stay in 2nd, and keep the power on
B, shift into 3rd, and keep the power on
3rd gear;
Again, it saves costs, & you ALREADY love 3rd, but now it is available at a HIGHER SPEED, with the powerband being smack on 75/80-95/100kmh, but usable from about 50kmh all the way to 110+kmh
4th gear;
Drop as many teeth OFF it as you can
Try calculator for 2teeth LESS... Then grow a pair & become a "fwee-teef-yokel" ( from memory it wasn't an option for a VBC1 box), and add a LONGER primary To gain that TOP SPEED.
Get that gear as clost to 3rd as possible!
That makes a usable gearbox, and will ensure once you are moving, you can remain ON THE PIPE for the entire time!
I needed to completely change my riding style & how i used the gears, so there was always another option for a gear close by...
eg. Hitting a headwind and/or a rise & noticing revs are dropping a bit or you are slowing down?... simply chop down a gear & you will immediately be beck on the powerband.
Dragging someone & they are getting away?... you're in the wrong gear, change to the one that is on the powerband.
Losing speed at 100kmh?... change into 3rd.
Almost at the next set of lights but you know they're about to change & you will need to stop??... stay in 2nd & nail it till you need to slow down.
Here is what i did, and I would make minor changes (longer primary, shorter 4th) if $$ allowed (ie other bits didn't fail) but am pretty happy with it overall, and it transformed the ride.
modify VBC1. 2-port - Fuel... Gimme MORE FUEL ! (Page 3)