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Veni, Vidi, Posti
2007 LX150 2015 GTS (on the bench) 2017 BV 350
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Location: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Veni, Vidi, Posti
@fledermaus avatar
2007 LX150 2015 GTS (on the bench) 2017 BV 350
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Posts: 12250
Location: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
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greasy125 wrote:
or perhaps this group of crazy individuals?

I swore you were talking about the Bixby Moto boys... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHfJL5c2NCY


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Alrighty swapped in the 7.4gram roller weights. Got the new contra spring in, and cleaned and scuffed up the pulley surfaces. Took it for a little test drive through some snow and a field and it seemed to do very well. Was throwing snow around and tried a burnout on the pavement, didn't burnout but put pushed the locked up front tire on the pavement. Anxious to take it to the mtns again!

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We're officially in business. Much more pep and actually able to hill climb. Any recommendations for filtration? Things I need to clean more often due to the dirt?
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