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2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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Location: Reno
@garthhh avatar
2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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Location: Reno
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The gas gauge is pessimistic, the yellow light coming on with 20 miles left
Sputtering a bit at the last mile

My safety is a quart can of stabilized fuel
Attached with hose clamps, nutdriver in a pocket

The bmw trunk has been following me for a couple of scooters now, I put longer screws in the hinge & mounted a wood bracket on the same bolts
Wrapped the can with thin rubber

The Givi 32 liter I slotted it for the hose clamps pass through
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@garthhh avatar

2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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Posts: 590
Location: Reno
@garthhh avatar
2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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Posts: 590
Location: Reno
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