2003 BV 200
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2003 BV 200
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Hey Piaggio Bros, So my Bev is running great, but the other day I lost all indicators while driving home, then I lost headlights, first the low beam and then the high beam within a couple of min of each other.
I pulled over shut off the bike and turned it back on and the indicators began to work again until I accelerated at which point I would lose them, as I slowed almost to a stop they would pop back on, then I would accelerate, and poof they were gone. The headlights never came back.

Yesterday I went out and checked all of my fuses and they are all good, I pulled the headlight bulbs which are now both burned out, which is odd.
I then took it for a ride and the indicators were working fine for the first 20 min at which point they shut off entirely, I pulled over, shut off the bike, turned it back on, and then I had them working again, 10 min later same thing, this time with no correlation to speed.

I have gone through all of the wiring and it all seems to be in order. I am looking for some advice on what to check next. Thanks so much.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Re: BV200 Indicator and headlight gremlins.
Acermcgraw wrote:
I pulled the headlight bulbs which are now both burned out, which is odd.
^^^^ Here is your clue.

Get your trusty $10 multimeter, and measure the voltage at the battery when the engine is doing 2-3,000 rpm. If over 14.8V (and I bet it's more like 17V) then your regulator is toast. Your battery may have taken a caning as well, so be prepared to swap that out as well as the regulator.

2003 BV 200
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2003 BV 200
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Thanks so much, I did test the voltage at about 3k rpm and it was right around 13.5 - 14 volts. The battery had been changed by the last owner , it seems fine. Any other ideas. I really appreciate the help

2003 BV 200
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2003 BV 200
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So I went ahead and replaced the voltage regulator and I'm having the same issue. I went over the wiring making sure I didn't have any arcs anywhere and it all looks to be in order. Is there anything else anyone can think of?
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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If it's not the regulator, then the other major electrical part is the stator. The shop manual should give procedure and expected values for testing resistance and voltage between windings. Have you tested this?
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