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2021 GTS 300 HPE +2013 GTS 300ie + 294 Polini
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@fudmucker avatar
2021 GTS 300 HPE +2013 GTS 300ie + 294 Polini
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Becky, my 2021 GTS HPE, has done just 200kms since new.
When pulling off, the clutch gives off a unique sound...

Part whistle, part shriek, part chirp.
It disappears the moment the speed picks up, but it is a concern of mine that that waiting for the 1000km service may result in preventable damage.

Anyone else have this experience on the HPE?

2023 Vespa GTS 300
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2023 Vespa GTS 300
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Go to a football field sized parking lot, deserted road, whatever. Get the bike up to about 30 mph and just coast to a complete stop. Don't use any brakes the whole time. Then start out again like you always do and see if the sound returns. That would tell you if it is a sticking brake pad or the transmission.

You can also jack up the bike, spin the wheels, pull the brake levers and see if you hear the sounds when you spin the wheels again. Whatever is easier for you.
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Clutch slipping as it grabs the clutch bell? Might go away as the clutch wears in; might go away if you lightly scuff the clutch pads and bell surface.

Might also go away if the dealer does that under warranty.
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