I'm putting a P200 motor into 1963 GL. The motor is installed, a BGM wiring harness, a CDI and a voltage regulator.
The wiring directions that came with the kit aren't much to go on.
So here's what I have so far.
The stator is an AES, it looks good.
CDI, red, green white wires from stator, green wire from harness.
The short wires from the stator are black, pink, yellow and purple.
The remaining wires from harness are black and blue.
So...black to black,
Blue to pink yellow and purple?
The voltage regulator I installed under the fuel tank.
VR - yellow blue black
Harness orange blue red, (2) black
I have orange and red to yellow (vr)
black and black (vr) to scooter body
Blue to blue (vr)
And a black from the harness to nothing (there is a connector on the vr. But not sure the black wire goes there?