Maybe one for the European crowd but any help much appreciated:
I'm rebuilding my 1987 PX200E (EFL/Arcobaleno/Lusso) after getting it back from paint. I've replaced the front drum with a disc brake (old style hub, not Disc star hub), and I'm using a PX Disc headset with Grimeca MC and front brake light switch. The switch was not a feature of the EFL back in the mid-late '80s, but I want to wire it in as a safety upgrade. I'm using the original EFL wiring loom and it appears to have a spare socket in the junction box behind the horn cover, which the PX Disc loom extension for the brake switch plugs straight into, and the colours match up.
The question is: were there region-specific P series back in the '80s which had brake lights wired up to the front brake? Was this already built into the loom, even though not used for UK spec scooters?
In the photo, the socket I'm referring to is the last one to the right ie. closest to the horn and fork.