I've been trying to bleed the brakes on my BV350, using the vacuum (Mity-Vac) method. Any way I try, I seem to suck more air than fluid out of the caliper bleeder. I'm keeping the reservoir filled; no air is getting in there. Yet, I can never get to the point of having pressure at the brake lever. So far, I've been working on the rear brake only.
My suspicion is that air is leaking around the threads of the bleeder screw whenever I open it. How do you get a tight seal all through the system so you can suck fluid all the way down from the reservoir? I've seen suggestions online to put grease around the bleeder screw or plumber's teflon tape on the treads. Does this make any sense?
I've also tried the squeeze-the-brake-lever-open-and-close-the-bleeder-screw method, with no luck.
Does anyone have a better way to bleed brakes?
2013 BV350, without ABS.