qascooter wrote:
My feeling on the subject is Refurbish vs Restore. I use the term refurbish because to Restore is to bring it back to original - which could never happen if you paint it, especially with two stage paint.
Bottom line is I like to see these beautiful pieces of art and functionality on the road, still doing what they were meant to do - move us around, in style.
The perfectionist in me wants to take out every dent, polish everything, make everything mechanically perfect. But I just look at my own body - dents, dings, not near as flashy as days of old, but still running, thank you very much.
These beauties are getting harder find running. I had a dude at the gas station yesterday stop, get out of his car, and ask me
"You wanna sell your Allstate?"
My answer "No".
Then he says: "Come on man - name your price. You don't see those on the road any more!".
My answer: "Thanks buddy, but it's not for sale".
See - they are getting rare....
I really connect with your point of view here. I have another hobby next to scooters and thats collecting Star Wars toys and things i had in the 70's and 80's. One carded figure i have is worth and sells regularly for £1000.00 and my wife is always on at me to sell it and my philosophy regarding things you are passionate about is, you can reprint money but you cant reprint your vintage scooter or the things you love that are actually very rare to get hold of. Those who die with the most toys wins in my opinion.