So as some of you may know, I have recently moved back to the UK from Cyprus. My beautiful GTS, 'Silver Lady' was carefully packed into a shipping crate and despatched from the port of Limassol on the 23rd June.
Tracking the ship's movement, my scooter is having a long holiday touring the Eastern Mediterranean. So far she has visited Ashdod (Israel), Alexandria (Egypt), back to Israel to Haifa, then on to Mersin (Turkey), and now currently she is back in Egypt visiting the Port of Suez.
I was told by the shipping company that she would arrive in London (Gateway) port on the 10th July, which means she has just 5 days to travel over 2000 miles! - Highly unlikely to happen.
Perhaps I should have posted this in the [NSR] What's Pissing you off Today? thread.