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1979 P200e
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1979 P200e
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So I was starting up the p200e and I was pulling the choke out to get it going. There was a bit of friction and I used too much muscle to pull it out more which caused it to come out all the way. I pushed it back but not sure if I disconnected anything. Basically need to know if I need to reconnect it to something or by pushing the choke leveler back in is ok and nothing to do.
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If the choke lever separated from the scooter you will likely need to pull the tank to fix the issue.
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1979 P200e
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1979 P200e
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Well I just checked again and from what I read it is hooked to some cable. The cable was still attached to the leveler. So I’m assuming I’m ok.
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Just pop the carb box lid and see if
1) the cable is still attached
2) pull the choke knob in and out and you'll see if it is operating the carb lever

Right-most arrow on 3rd pic
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Just to add on, when you do check the function you can actually look down a small hole from above and see the brass plunger move. It needs to close fully but opening can be less than all the way.
@duorotte avatar

1979 P200e
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1979 P200e
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Thank you very much guys. I will take a look tomm when I have some time. Only thing that sucks for my situation is I live in a condo and I have to do this stuff in the garage. With this heat and humidity it’s a bitch. Oh and the annoying people who live there and see tools out and start freaking that I’m doing mechanic work there. Can’t wait to move into my own house.
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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@xantufrog avatar
1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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duorotte wrote:
Only thing that sucks for my situation is I live in a condo and I have to do this stuff in the garage. With this heat and humidity it’s a bitch. Oh and the annoying people who live there and see tools out and start freaking that I’m doing mechanic work there. Can’t wait to move into my own house.
I've been there, mate! Finally bought my own house last year, after ages of wrenching in apartment parking lots, garages, and on sidewalks
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duorotte wrote:
Thank you very much guys. I will take a look tomm when I have some time. Only thing that sucks for my situation is I live in a condo and I have to do this stuff in the garage. With this heat and humidity it’s a bitch. Oh and the annoying people who live there and see tools out and start freaking that I’m doing mechanic work there. Can’t wait to move into my own house.
You don't need tools out or a garage to take the carb airbox cover off. Flat head screwdriver and a quiet area on the street.
Remove the two slotted cover screws. There's a wire noose-looking little thingy that connects to the choke. Sometimes they slip off. You can use that screwdriver to open the choke lever enough to slip that noose back on.
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1979 P200e
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1979 P200e
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Well all fixed. Had to pull the gas tank. The clips popped off which caused the choke lever to pull out and connected it back at the other end. First repair due to my gorilla strength disengaging the choke lol. Definitely helps with another pair of hands.
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