Primavera 50
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Primavera 50
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I have a 2018 Vespa Primavera 50 2 stroke that will not start.

It was running great and while driving it suddenly stopped. Like a cable suddenly loosened.. After that I have not been able to start it.

There is no spark on the plug. I have installed a new sparkplug.

I have tried another coil from my 2008 model Vespa LX 50 (I assume the coils are the same). Did not get spark with that coil. So, I assume the coil is good.

Any hints on further troubleshooting for this?


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Check the kill switch

Primavera 50
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Primavera 50
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This is a European model so it does not have a kill switch.

The starter motor runs fine when trying to start, but just no spark.

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BF wrote:

This is a European model so it does not have a kill switch.

The starter motor runs fine when trying to start, but just no spark.

Spark plug wire and connecting pipe ..?

Primavera 50
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Already tried another coil with the spark plug connector. No change so coil + plug I have ruled out.

Ok. Measured the stator.

White to ground: 0,1ohm
Red to white: 125ohm
Green to white: 1,5 Ohm

From what I found the values should be 0 to ground (good), red 500ohm and green should be around 100ohm.

Not sure if those values are for vintage Vespas though.

To me this Looks like the stator is fried with a short in the green (low powered coil?).

Seems like replacing the stator is the way to go here.

Anyone know if my assumptions seem correct?

Update: I did the same measurement on my LX 50 and the readings were similar. 0, 128 and 3,8. I messured on the connector that goes into the coil, distonnected it from the coil first of course.

Now I am confused.


Primavera 50
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I now measured the AC voltage from the stator. I disconnected the coil and measured the green and red against the white ground while cranking the starter.

1,1 ac volts and
25 ac volts

Seems a bit low. I was expecting 50 volt pluss while cranking on the green.

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Is the white the ground? Usually it's green or black. If you've switched cdis with a known good and it didn't fix it, the problem should be statore or regulator. Can you rob the regulator off the lx and see if that brings spark back? Does the lx run with the coil from the 'vera?

Primavera 50
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Thanks. I verified that the coil, cable and plug worked. So, I concluded that it is indeed the stator. Bought New stator with flywheel today. Mounted and it now runs.

I dropped the regulator test as I believe that is only required for charging and not to start.

Thanks for hints. My Primavera now runs.

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good troubleshooting! Odd failure to see on a 2018 scooter - but at least you got it sorted
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