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I know that white wall tires are quite odd and hell of a pain in gluteus maximus for "hygiene", but would like to find some good ones.

my previous experience with white walls for the GTS was with the Sava and Continental WW tires, bot very unsatisfactory.

Sava's were ok-ish as driving experience, but they lasted way bellow 5000KM, which is not acceptable. Crying or Very sad emoticon

Continentals were tricky on rain and they are aging much faster then they wear, I barely made through TÜV (MOT) although tires were less than 2 years old with the plenty of thread. also, the thread pattern does not look that good adjusted for rain, more like funky thing for posers. Crying or Very sad emoticon I have probably expected too much from the Continental as one of the biggest names in the industry.

I generally use the Heidenau K66 LT M+S Snowtex (with Silica), this tires are crazy good for wet and cold conditions, although I drive them now in warm weather as well. look no further https://de.reifenwerk-heidenau.com/modules/reifenliste/view.php?lang=de&point=5&rtyp=16&profil=175&pic=58

but would really like to find some nice white walls that can do rain, cold and hot.

so, have seen that MITAS has MC20 Monsum whitewalls which seam to be having good thread pattern for the rain. MITAS is also very known brand for the offroad bike tires, which gives me confidence as well.

has anybody had them on GTS and what are the impressions?

P.S. what about SHINKO SR723 white walls?
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Mitas isn't a very well known brand in the US. You might get more accurate feedback on the German Vespa site.
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You’re asking too much from a tire, let alone a white wall.

If you want a white wall, understand and accept the short comings. Adjust your riding and riding style accordingly.
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greasy125 wrote:
You’re asking too much from a tire, let alone a white wall.

If you want a white wall, understand and accept the short comings. Adjust your riding and riding style accordingly.
I am sorry, but I do not expect that practically "new" tire made by one of the most "premium" manufacturers starts disintegrating out of blue. and that is exactly what Continental did. especially if the product comes also with the "premium" price tag. The TÜV (MOT) guy said that it looked like 10 year old tire!

on diagonal side of that experience I can only recommend the previously mentioned Heidenau. It's only "shortcoming" is that it does not have WW version, other than this, this tires glue you to the road (of course all within the realm of laws of physics).
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Motovista wrote:
Mitas isn't a very well known brand in the US. You might get more accurate feedback on the German Vespa site.
understand, but have always thought that MV is international enough than the exclusive US club

will keep on checking this thread, maybe had experience with Mitas or Shinko
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PreddyBaer wrote:
P.S. what about SHINKO SR723 white walls?
I have those on another scooter (Yamaha Vino 125) in 10". No complaints, and nothing to compare it to. Probably 5-6K on them now, and still good 4 years later. Never rode in the wet or off road, aside from the odd gravel parking lot, and one hard packed road we went on, my wife did fine. I would buy them again for my Vespa.
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any other White Wall GOOD experiences there?

or are the WWs really out of the fashion for good? Crying or Very sad emoticon
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If there were any good whitewall tires, it wouldn't be an unpopular question.

When I built my bicycle in 2013, skinwall tires were hard to come by. Now, there are plenty of them. Fashions come and go, but there seem to be few good options for 12" tires, and right now they're all black.
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