2009 250 GTS
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2009 250 GTS
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Hi All,

I recently lost my only key to my '09 GTS250ie (previous owner only gave me a blue key when I purchased it). Ive done a lot of research and and hoping someone in the community can point me in the right direction here as to what my best option is.

For context: steering wheel and lock cylinder is in the lock position. I am the owner of the Vepsa. I know there is some sensitivity in the community on information around this as it may enable vespa theft, so I am happy to provide my title info to anyone who is willing to offer information but wants to see proof if ownership

Upon looking into the issue I see that I have 3 options:

Option 1) Go to dealer and get EUC replaced and get new lockset programed and installed. This would cost $1000+ so am hoping I won't end up having to do this.

Option 2) Remove EUC and send to a guy on Ebay and have him made a lock set programed to my existing EUC. https://www.ebay.com/itm/222581193708?hash=item33d2df7bec:g:eEUAAOSweW5U4Aef

This seems like a reasonable option, however there are 2 issues: 1) I would need to find a way to jimmy my way into the front knee cap to remove the EUC as the steering is in the locked position. 2) I would need to drill the existing lock cylinder out to replace it.

The second issues is the most difficult for me to find any information on. I am afraid that I will break other components by drilling into the existing lock cylinder. Its difficult to find any videos or a better description on how to actually do this outside of the small section in the owners manual that describes this.

If I were to do this, how would I remove the existing lock cylinder safely without damaging anything, and 2) how would I install the new lock cylinder?

Option 3) Find locksmith that is able to decode my existing lock cylinder. Get an unprogramed blank cut, remove EUC and send EUC + unprogrammed blank to eBay guy to have him program blank to existing EUC.

I had a friend in the same situation and he said he was able to do this and get it done for roughly $100. However, he had an lx50 and was able to remove the lock cylinder from cabin and give that to a locksmith. For me, I would need to find a locksmith to come to my Vespa and decode it.

I have yet to find a locksmith that is able to do this, but this guy on YouTube is giving me hope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_eaM7hCKDM

If I go this route, does anyone have any recs in the San Francisco area that would be able to do this? Would it make sense for me to purchase a Lishi pick like the one in the video to try to decode it myself?

Overall, I am trying to find the most economical way to do this; however, it seems that if I am unable to find a lock smith and have to go with option 2, I would not know how to complete the job...

Anyone have any suggestions? I am in the San Francisco area if any community members know of anyone that can help around here. I will compensate them properly and buy them dinner and a bottle of wine

Thanks in advance.


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Send your cdi/ecu to Af1racing. they will send you the ecu and achip to put in your new red key.
Buy a key set with tumblers. We have them in stock for $70. Get the one for the Lx, 1B005661. It has two tumblers, so if someone tries to start your scooter with a screwdriver, you don't need to buy another keyset.
Take off the left side kneepad, that black thing that may have a cigarette lighter socket, and you should be able to figure out the rest.

2009 250 GTS
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2009 250 GTS
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Motovista wrote:
Send your cdi/ecu to Af1racing. they will send you the ecu and achip to put in your new red key.
Buy a key set with tumblers. We have them in stock for $70. Get the one for the Lx, 1B005661. It has two tumblers, so if someone tries to start your scooter with a screwdriver, you don't need to buy another keyset.
Take off the left side kneepad, that black thing that may have a cigarette lighter socket, and you should be able to figure out the rest.
Thanks for the speedy response here. I’ve read that if the scooter is in the lock position the latch pin will be covered and I will not be able to remove the existing tumbler to put the new tumbler in. Hence why I would need to drill it out. Do you have any guidance on how to pop out the existing tumbler through the left side knee pad area without drilling it out?
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Mattttko wrote:
Thanks for the speedy response here. I’ve read that if the scooter is in the lock position the latch pin will be covered and I will not be able to remove the existing tumbler to put the new tumbler in. Hence why I would need to drill it out. Do you have any guidance on how to pop out the existing tumbler through the left side knee pad area without drilling it out?
Do you have Trump hands and seven elbows? Then you're not going to be able to do that. You can open the glove compartment though. Then remove it. Then you can get to what needs to be done. It's time consuming to get to the tumbler without tearing up the plastics, as it should be. There is a drill in your future, but that's probably the easiest part.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Drill out the barrel, send off the throttle body to one of the dealers who will 'virginize' it, provide a lockset, and program the ECU to the new keys. Also ask them to provide a second cloned service key so you're OK the next time you lose one...
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text

2009 250 GTS
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2009 250 GTS
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jimc wrote:
Drill out the barrel, send off the throttle body to one of the dealers who will 'virginize' it, provide a lockset, and program the ECU to the new keys. Also ask them to provide a second cloned service key so you're OK the next time you lose one...
Thanks Jimc!

on your diagram, when it says remove shield and key switch, is the "shield" referring to the glove box, and the "key switch" referring to the immobilizer housing round the key cylinder?

Trying to understand if i need to do all those steps to remove the glove box to drill it out or if i can just go at it with the drill without removing the entire glove box... Since the steering is in the lock position, i think it may be difficult for me to remove the glove box.

Sorry if this is a stupid question... just trying to learn.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The shield is the legshield - including glovebox.

The instructions are slightly in the wrong order and in mangled English, so:

Remove the legshield. You will have to finagle the glovebox open via the left black knee-pad first.

Drill out the ignition barrel, remove debris. Replace with new as instructed.

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