Hi All,
I recently lost my only key to my '09 GTS250ie (previous owner only gave me a blue key when I purchased it). Ive done a lot of research and and hoping someone in the community can point me in the right direction here as to what my best option is.
For context: steering wheel and lock cylinder is in the lock position. I am the owner of the Vepsa. I know there is some sensitivity in the community on information around this as it may enable vespa theft, so I am happy to provide my title info to anyone who is willing to offer information but wants to see proof if ownership
Upon looking into the issue I see that I have 3 options:
Option 1) Go to dealer and get EUC replaced and get new lockset programed and installed. This would cost $1000+ so am hoping I won't end up having to do this.
Option 2) Remove EUC and send to a guy on Ebay and have him made a lock set programed to my existing EUC. https://www.ebay.com/itm/222581193708?hash=item33d2df7bec:g:eEUAAOSweW5U4Aef
This seems like a reasonable option, however there are 2 issues: 1) I would need to find a way to jimmy my way into the front knee cap to remove the EUC as the steering is in the locked position. 2) I would need to drill the existing lock cylinder out to replace it.
The second issues is the most difficult for me to find any information on. I am afraid that I will break other components by drilling into the existing lock cylinder. Its difficult to find any videos or a better description on how to actually do this outside of the small section in the owners manual that describes this.
If I were to do this, how would I remove the existing lock cylinder safely without damaging anything, and 2) how would I install the new lock cylinder?
Option 3) Find locksmith that is able to decode my existing lock cylinder. Get an unprogramed blank cut, remove EUC and send EUC + unprogrammed blank to eBay guy to have him program blank to existing EUC.
I had a friend in the same situation and he said he was able to do this and get it done for roughly $100. However, he had an lx50 and was able to remove the lock cylinder from cabin and give that to a locksmith. For me, I would need to find a locksmith to come to my Vespa and decode it.
I have yet to find a locksmith that is able to do this, but this guy on YouTube is giving me hope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_eaM7hCKDM
If I go this route, does anyone have any recs in the San Francisco area that would be able to do this? Would it make sense for me to purchase a Lishi pick like the one in the video to try to decode it myself?
Overall, I am trying to find the most economical way to do this; however, it seems that if I am unable to find a lock smith and have to go with option 2, I would not know how to complete the job...
Anyone have any suggestions? I am in the San Francisco area if any community members know of anyone that can help around here. I will compensate them properly and buy them dinner and a bottle of wine
Thanks in advance.