If you're uncomfortable and want to ride with a spotter, rather than alone - that's totally understandable.
That being said, I don't think you're doing yourself any favors by avoiding the MC license.
Riding WITH people has its dangers too (be it 2-up or together on different scoots).
I think the only reasonable paths forward are
a) decide PTWs aren't for you (they aren't for everyone) and sell it to someone who will enjoy it and find something that does make you happy
b) become a much stronger and more confident rider. The most unsafe way to ride is in the psychological state you are in right now, IMO. You need to claim space in the road, lean into turns, understand countersteering and evasive maneuvers, etc - many of these things can feel a bit counterintuitive without training, and avoiding them and/or seizing up when a cage is near or there's a hazard in the road increases your risk.
So my humble suggestion is if you don't want to pursue "A" then you should take an MSF course and ride backstreets and backroads for a while (alone or with a buddy as needed) until you feel in control. If you don't feel
in control including when hazards come your way, you shouldn't get on the scoot - but you need training and time on the scoot to actually get that control.
My 2c - be safe and happy!
⚠️ Last edited by xantufrog on UTC; edited 2 times