Molto Verboso
2018 GTS 300 Touring Rosso Vignola, 2020 BV 350 Matte Green, 1956 VL3
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Posts: 1157 Location: Herriman, Utah |
You need some smooth sailing. Sorry to hear about your issues. Hopefully someone will come through for you soon. Hang in there!!!
Veni, Vidi, Posti
In garage: Yamaha Tricity 155 Urban 2019 - MV Agusta 125 RS 1956
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I've been in contact with gopam. She was looking for a dealership on the route. There is one in Medina, OH but it is closed to day. I've given her contact info for MC shops in Fremont and Maumee. Hopefully one of them will be able to help her.
Carolan wrote: I've given her contact info for MC shops in Fremont and Maumee. Hopefully one of them will be able to help her.
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Carolan wrote: I've been in contact with gopam. She was looking for a dealership on the route. There is one in Medina, OH but it is closed to day. I've given her contact info for MC shops in Fremont and Maumee. Hopefully one of them will be able to help her. The search continues |
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Seamus26 has this in Michigan. Can anyone confirm if this is the voltage regulator I need? He says it comes from a GT
gopam wrote: Seamus26 has this in Michigan. Can anyone confirm if this is the voltage regulator I need? He says it comes from a GT So this seems like at least a high likelihood. |
gopam wrote: Seamus26 has this in Michigan. Can anyone confirm if this is the voltage regulator I need? He says it comes from a GT |
If anyone in Ohio could pull a voltage regulator from their working scooter for GoPam, it would be a good act for the Cannonball cause. Is the GT200 voltage regulator specific to that model, or do all Modern Vespas use the same one?
pbcoole wrote: If anyone in Ohio could pull a voltage regulator from their working scooter for GoPam, it would be a good act for the Cannonball cause. Is the GT200 voltage regulator specific to that model, or do all Modern Vespas use the same one? The GTS regulator has different connectors on it:
Molto Verboso
2010 GTV250ie - Sienna Ivory, BMW F650CS, HD 883 Sportster
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Molto Verboso
2010 GTV250ie - Sienna Ivory, BMW F650CS, HD 883 Sportster
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Posts: 1013 Location: North Coast - Rural |
Give Phil Waters a call at
Cleveland Moto opens at 11AM today. If he’s not available, James or Renee will be able to help. Cleveland Moto was 2005 Amerivespa sponsor.
'06 Vespa LX150, '07 Suzuki Burgman 400, '05 Honda Metropolitan
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jess wrote: Looks like it’s also used in the BV200 and maybe even the LX150. Good weather so far today. I hope it holds out for all of you riding, and be safe! |
Molto Verboso
S150 '09, Beo 500ie '08
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Piaggio part 58090R, according to my LX parts diagram, which is also the part for the GT200. This is a bit outside my expertise, but many regulators could be pressed into service as semipermanent replacements for the OEM part. If you can match up the number of wires on the regulator (there appear to be five), and the total watts or amps the regulator is designed to handle, a new one can be spliced into the OEM's connectors.
This Amazon listing cross-references this part to a lot of Piaggio models: ⚠️ Last edited by Juan_ORhea on UTC; edited 1 time
Confirmed that the same regulator is found on a variety of bikes:
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Seamus26 is my HERO!!!!!! He’s meeting gopam today at checkpoint 3 the Vermontville wooden fireman — to give me his voltage regulator from his out of commission GT. HUGE THANKS to EVERYONE on MV!!!! I’m so grateful & full of LOVE for you all.
Highly Rated
Woo HOOOO!!!
gopam wrote: UPDATE: Seamus26 is my HERO!!!!!! He’s meeting gopam today at checkpoint 3 the Vermontville wooden fireman — to give me his voltage regulator from his out of commission GT. HUGE THANKS to EVERYONE on MV!!!! I’m so grateful & full of LOVE for you all. |
Clips from yesterday as they rolled in to the bonus checkpoint in full regalia.
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Update from BP4 lulu’s twistee treat. More scooter community just helped gopam!!!! A scooter couple waving at riders today….They pointed at the trailer. One of the straps on my Vespa was dragging & could have been a hazard if it got stuck in the trailer tire. I hopped off to secure the now frayed strap.
Feeling frayed too haha but so happy and grateful. Thank you. My heart bursts with love for you all. Onward!!!
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Molto Verboso
2018 GTS 300 Touring Rosso Vignola, 2020 BV 350 Matte Green, 1956 VL3
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Posts: 1157 Location: Herriman, Utah |
gopam wrote: Update from BP4 lulu’s twistee treat. More scooter community just helped gopam!!!! A scooter couple waving at riders today….They pointed at the trailer. One of the straps on my Vespa was dragging & could have been a hazard if it got stuck in the trailer tire. I hopped off to secure the now frayed strap. Feeling frayed too haha but so happy and grateful. Thank you. My heart bursts with love for you all. Onward!!! |
Veni, Vidi, Posti
In garage: Yamaha Tricity 155 Urban 2019 - MV Agusta 125 RS 1956
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1979 P200E (sold) / ZNEN Amore 150 (sold) / Genuine Buddy 170i / Genuine Stella 4T /Aprilia Sportcity One 50
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Piaggio BV-500, Yamaha Majesty, Honda Helix Sidecar Rig
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Loitering out in front of Black Frog Brewery in Holland, hoping to catch a few Cannonballers going by!
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Just left BP5 on our way to CP3 now to meet my hero Seamus26 for the voltage regulator!
I’m supposed to be getting rest while on this support truck but my heart has been pumping with excitement all day!!
Spotted in the wild, Holland, OH... (I tried to reduce the size, sorry for the assault on your screens...) I saw another one I didn't manage to catch a photo of - light green Vespa.
Housekeeping notes... I was finally able to catch up on administrative stuff. We had 73 sign waivers in Bar Harbor. The leaderboard has been pruned back to riders who departed Monday,
Moderatus Rana
MP3 250 and 2 MP3 500s
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Posts: 22659 Location: Nashville, Indiana |
Moderatus Rana
MP3 250 and 2 MP3 500s
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Posts: 22659 Location: Nashville, Indiana |
Was bummed that the route missed Indiana almost completely. Wanted to ride out to wave and stuff.
In other news it looks like a few riders took some significant detours today. LOL |
stickyfrog wrote: In other news it looks like a few riders took some significant detours today. LOL
Molto Verboso
2016 BMW R1200RT & 2007 GT200 & 2020 Vespa GTS SuperSport 300 HPE,2024 Honda ADV 160
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Posts: 1669 Location: LOS ANGELES |
Seamus26 at the golden checkpoint day 3 CP3 is my hero!!!!
I wept tears of joy & sang Bowie we could be hero’s just for one day (thinking of all of you here) when I rode the last leg of Day 3 from CP3 to the hotel. Dan V & Candace who I met at Richmond Amerivespa were there too & gave me snacks. I’m overwhelmed with the love & support from everyone. Wept tears of joy. You are all my heroes!! I did not expect to be riding on day 3 scoring points!! I didn’t think it would be possible!! My goal was day 4 morning. Thanks to you , a miracle happened!! I have tons to say about Seamus26 & his lovely family but I have another urgent SOS for my MV Peeps. Anywhere along the route of Day 4 can you find…… Rider #80 Mary in Maine dumped her bike on Day 1 and she really needs mirrors. Can someone research what bar end mirrors & screws & adapter kit if needed will fit a 2020 royal alloy GT 150 Needs mirrors Bar end mirrors anything Adapter kit Screws You’ll need to contact her directly since gopam is back riding!!! She has a burner cell phone and told me to post her number so you can text her directly on the road. +1 (207) 671-5709 She also had asked if there is a place to get Full spectrum 420 gummies typically come on little packs of 10 It helps her sleep at night. Ok sending all my love. And hopefully you can help rider#80 on the map during day 4!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Highly Rated
Pam, I'm so glad you got back on the road! I hope someone like Seamus comes along for Mary soon.
Pam - that is great news! Hoped the snacks helped you on the journey. Good to see you and the other riders at the Fire Station.
Till we meet again! Best of luck to all |
So very glad to hear GoPam was able to ride again!
As for mirrors for Mary's 2020 Royal Alloy GT150 mirrors - ScooterWest is my go-to for emergency on-the-road parts shipments. They aren't open now. Can call in the am. Saw that J&P Cycles have generic bar end mirrors in stock but 1-2 day shipping and no stores on your route, as far as I could tell |
12 hours in the saddle every day is about twice as far as I'd want to go on tour, but this looks like a really sweet event. Great job feb31st, and cheers to all the participants! |
seamus26 wrote: Sure hope it works.
Highly Rated
1979 P200E (sold) / ZNEN Amore 150 (sold) / Genuine Buddy 170i / Genuine Stella 4T /Aprilia Sportcity One 50
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jess wrote: Seamus, you came through today. On behalf of all Cannonball riders, I want to express my gratitude for your selfless act today. I hereby bestow upon you the MV Toaster award as a small token of appreciation. Wear it with pride. It was great to see all the riders at the checkpoint yesterday. I wish we'd had more time to talk about their bikes and their rides ... you know. Sitting around a campfire making s'mores and singing Kumbaya and stuff. But it's a Cannonball, after all. It was all about explaining that the wooden fireman wasn't ACTUALLY there anymore, snap a couple of photos and smack them on the rear (figuratively, of course) to get them back on the road. And now I know where Vermontville is. I'm sure that's useful somehow. I really enjoyed helping Pam get her scoot going. Fortunately it was an easy fix, but I held my breath not knowing if it was going to be THE fix. You know, with the circumstances around her just getting to the starting point and then her bike quitting, a lesser person may have just thrown in the towel, but not Pam. She's the kind of rider that would just stitch up her own wound, wrap it in duct tape and bungees and head out WOT screaming the words to "Holiday in Cambodia" to distract her from the pain. She's like the bike courier of riders, Pam is. With the weather coming in, we were worried about the riders making it to Traverse before the storms hit. Below is a screenshot I snapped of said weather about the time I figured most folks were in. By then I had seen a shot of the hotel lobby Pam had uploaded, and that made me happy. Godspeed, all you lunatics.
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Moderatus Rana
MP3 250 and 2 MP3 500s
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Posts: 22659 Location: Nashville, Indiana |
Moderatus Rana
MP3 250 and 2 MP3 500s
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Posts: 22659 Location: Nashville, Indiana |
AZScootRN wrote: Is there someplace where you can see current overall standings? When I go to the SCBR site, it defaults to the current day but not overall. Howard Edit - Disregard - I finally found it |
1979 P200E (sold) / ZNEN Amore 150 (sold) / Genuine Buddy 170i / Genuine Stella 4T /Aprilia Sportcity One 50
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Posts: 2664 Location: Grand Rapids, MI |
I’m really looking forward to hearing about the bridge crossing. Being from Michigan I take it for granted that everyone knows what it is, but they don’t. I probably shouldn’t have told Pam about that Yugo being blown into the water back in the ‘80s BEFORE she rode across.
There was a group here in Michigan that documented a series called “One Lap” where they rode around Lake Michigan on 50cc bikes. If you haven’t checked them out, you should. The bridge crossing gave me goose bumps. |
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